Author: LSU Media

Loughborough Students’ Union has revealed their detailed plans for the Freshers’ 2020 events, which are both online and in person. The plans, released on Monday, have been fleshed out on Friday night with Facebook events being published on LSU’s page. ‘Oktobersesh’ The first event scheduled for Freshers’ is ‘Oktobersesh’, which will be held on 8 separate dates starting on the 26th of September and ending on the 3rd of October. This is a halls-only event, so is exclusive to Freshers. LSU promises to “transport you to Munich… without the risk of two weeks self-isolation afterwards” This event is expected to…

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Freshers’ Hall subs are a subscription fee you pay towards your hall of residence, which allows you to participate in all hall events throughout the year, IMS, and other sectional activities, and attend Winter Ball, Summer Ball, and your Hall Day. The Coronavirus pandemic has wildly impacted how Loughborough Freshers’ Fortnight will be run this year, including the cancellation of Rag’s Colour Dash, heavily limited Action projects, and the Sports / Activities Bazaars being delivered online as a ‘Virtual Fayre’. To understand a little more on what changes have been made for this years Freshers, we reached out to various…

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Loughborough Students’ Union has released their plans for student activities, with most – if not all – activities to be held online “as much as possible”. This comes after both a statement by Matt Youngs, Union President, on Friday, and the reveal of the Freshers’ Line-Up on Monday. In the statement, the Union re-iterate that the majority of sectional activities should, and in the most part will be “delivered digitally”, but certain meetings, training events, and sectional events will be going ahead due to an ‘exemption’ detailed in the government guidelines in regards to charity and educational activities.  Each Union…

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Coronavirus cases have shot up in the last week, with at least 21 individuals testing positive in Loughborough, up from just three the week before, a 600% increase. 21 positive cases were confirmed last week across Loughborough, of which three were located in the Loughborough University area which covers campus, William Morris Hall and the Old Ashby Road area. Another three were reported in the Storer & Queens Park area, which covers the Student Triangle. Cases have been rising across the country, and Loughborough is no exception, adding to a total of 72 new cases across Charnwood in the week ending…

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Loughborough University have issued their first ‘Student Misconduct Notice’ for a breach of COVID-19 restrictions to a student who hosted a house party at the weekend. University Chief Operating Officer Richard Taylor told East Midlands Today “We’ve issued our first notice this Monday to a student who decided to hold a house party at the weekend in breach of the clear rules – that’s one strike.” “Hopefully, they’ll have learnt their lesson, and hopefully it will say to other students that this is a great University to study, do sport, do all the things that make student life excellent – but…

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Loughborough Students’ Union has today announced its “Freshers Line-up” for Freshers’ 2020 including events such as “Crazy Golf” and a “Big Quiz” The announcement follows a statement by Union President Matt Youngs on Friday, which outlined the Students’ Union’s intentions for Freshers including holding the Freshers’ Bazaar digitally. The Freshers Line-Up announced today include the following events: Big Quiz Crazy Golf Fairground Petting Zoo DJ Sets Craft Workshops LSU Carnival Vintage Sale Sh*t Prize Bingo Zumba and Yoga Cabaret Night The Indie Club (featuring ‘special guests’) LSU Comedy Club ‘Oktobersesh’ Socially Distanced ‘Social Club’ Virtual Sports and Activities Bazaars It…

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Public Health England has announced the latest COVID case numbers for Loughborough, which show the first reported cases for over two weeks. 3 positive cases were confirmed last week across Loughborough, of which all were located in the Loughborough University area, which covers all of campus, William Morris and the Old Ashby Road . Cases have been rising dramatically over the country across the last week, and Loughborough is no exception, with a total of 37 cases across Charnwood in the week ending September 6th. The Label COVID-19 Case tracker is updated each weekday with the latest 7-day figures. Data from PHE is…

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As the start of the new academic year approaches, we all have a duty to look out for one another and act appropriately. I’m confident that we can pull together as a community and adapt to our ‘new normal’. Being a member of the Executive at LSU affords you a number of privileges, not least becoming somebody ‘in the know’ of Students’ Union and University affairs. Confidential information is divulged to you, and you become privy to information many weeks before it is made public knowledge. Nevertheless, no matter how much of the planning you are involved in, myself and…

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Loughborough Students’ Union has released a statement giving details of what Freshers will most likely look like.  In the statement released today, Union President Matt Youngs has said that “We’ve been working on a programme of events and activities throughout September and October” to ensure “an incredible start to the year” and announced that LSU will be releasing more details – including a schedule of events – next week. Contrary to previous plans, there will be a “Digital Freshers’ Bazaar” for the first time similar to most other students’ unions, which will enable students to “meet fellow students, find the hobbies you…

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