Author: LSU Media

Getting women into the gym? A history of women’s fitness Label writer, Georgia Stone, explains the disparity between male and female exercise and what we should be doing to change it. Women are less likely than men to meet their recommended aerobic activity levels and even less likely to meet muscle strength exercise guidelines, begging the question… why aren’t women exercising? Women’s journey of personal fitness has a long and complex history. Once considered unladylike, exercise became increasingly ‘faddy’ for women. From Jazzercise to Zumba, home workout tapes and fitness trends have created cult followings of fitness influencers and routines…

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‘Lucky Girl Syndrome’ has quickly spiralled on TikTok as the latest internet trend. Rebecca Pearson explores whether luck has anything to do with it and what it reveals about positive thinking mindsets. You’ve probably stumbled upon the videos of young women asserting how lucky they are – how everything goes their way. ‘Lucky Girl Syndrome’ is the latest internet trend, the idea that if you repeat to the universe that good fortune is innately yours, anything you want will come true. As a trend, it was Laura Galebe who first set the idea running on TikTok in December. Amidst her many wellness…

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Loughborough claimed an almost clean sweep over Durham on Sunday 26th February in the varsity competition. Sports editor, Jasmine Trapnell reports on the success of the day! Sunday 26th February saw Loughborough claim, once again, varsity victory over Durham. Winning a total of 10 out of 11 games, Loughborough just could not be touched. The results from the day are as below: Game after game, Loughborough dominated – but two stand out results were from netball with Robert Bakewell winning by 57 points, and women’s squash with Faraday winning all 5 matches. The results from varsity show the strength of…

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Sports Editor, Jasmine Trapnell sat down with some of the Executive Officer candidates to help students get to know them a bit more. Below you can get to know Max Nevri, who is running for President… Max Nevri (LSU Presidential candidate) describes himself as a passionate, enthusiastic, and excitable individual. Over his time at Loughborough he has been actively involved in many extra-curricular activities: Flix Cinema Film society chair, societies executive committee member, action volunteer, RAG volunteer, and fresher helper for Harry French. When I asked who it is that inspires him, Nevri responded that it has to be his…

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Sports Editor, Jasmine Trapnell sat down with some of the Executive Officer candidates to help students get to know them a bit more. Below you can get to know Lot Burgstra, who is running for Academic Experience Officer. Lot Burgstra (Academic Experience candidate) describes herself as enthusiastic, open, and supportive. Over her time at Loughborough, Burgstra has been involved with lots of sports clubs and societies. She is a member of AU Waterpolo, was the social secretary and is now the treasurer for AU softball and baseball, was an action hall rep, action involvement officer, action leader, action committee member,…

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Sports Editor, Jasmine Trapnell sat down with some of the Executive Officer candidates to help students get to know them a bit more. Below you can get to know Shivanthi Sharma, who is running for Democracy & Communities. Shivanthi Sharma (Democracy & Communities candidate) uses these three words to describe herself: coffee, animation, and running. Over her time at Loughborough she has been a member of the debate society and the feminist society, saying that she might join the coffee society too soon! When I asked who inspires her, Sharma responded her Mum as she has all the patience in…

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Sports Editor, Jasmine Trapnell sat down with some of the Executive Officer candidates to help students get to know them a bit more. Below you can get to know Valen Lollato, who is running for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Officer. Valen Lollato (equality, diversity and inclusion candidate) describes themselves as passionate, determined and stubborn. Over their time at Loughborough, Lollato has been actively involved in lots of extra-curricular activities: including being the Chair of the LGBT+ society and volunteering with the students union since first year! When I asked who it is that inspires them most, Lollato responded it is…

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Sports Editor, Jasmine Trapnell sat down with some of the Executive Officer candidates to help students get to know them a bit more. Below you can get to know Rachel Wan, who is running for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Officer. Rachel Wan (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion candidate) describes herself as observant, silly-at-times, and passionate. Over her time at Loughborough Wan has been involved with lots of societies: Vice-Chair of Chinese Society, Eastern South-East Asia ambassador of the International Students’ Network (ISN), ISN Chair, and International Officer for LSU. When I asked Wan what inspires her, she responded her manager from…

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Sports Editor, Jasmine Trapnell sat down with some of the Executive Officer candidates to help students get to know them a bit more. Below you can get to know Julian Saade, who is running for Sport Officer. Julian Saade (Sport Officer candidate) has been actively involved in sport at Lougborough ever since his first year, from playing IMS hockey to now being a member of AU Powerlifting and Weightlifting’s committee. When I asked who it is that inspires him, Saade responded that it would definitely be his friend who was also his boxing coach at school. Saade’s manifesto describes in…

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Sports Editor, Jasmine Trapnell sat down with some of the Executive Officer candidates to help students get to know them a bit more. Below you can get to know Ben Clubb, who is running for Sport Officer. Ben Clubb (Sport Officer candidate) describes himself as fun, driven, and hardworking. During his time at Loughborough Clubb has been involved in multiple sports: he is a committee member of snow sports, played IMS rugby and is also the current LSU Sport Officer. I asked Clubb who inspires him most, and he responded it is his Mum, as she always gives her time…

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