Author: LSU Media

It has been a fantastic year for Harry French revelling in the delights of life off-campus. It all started back in October with another successful Freshers week full of excitement, rapport and good honest chaos. This ethos continued throughout, developing a level of unity perhaps best demonstrated when observing this year's greatest achievements. Harry French ascended to what some have dubbed 'bi-winning' status in its considerable dominance over two of Loughborough's most revered inter-hall leaderboards. Winning the Action award for Most Outstanding Hall is perhaps the most apt example of the resident Frencher's willingness to be actively involved in giving…

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The day to day life of a Towerite is unlike any other student in any other hall or even in any other university. It is unique. It is unargued that Loughborough offers us THE best student experience in the whole country, and that hall life plays a huge part of making the Loughborough experience so amazing… this year Towers Hall has returned, back from our tour to the village, with a brand new refurbishment and a brand new flame of hall spirit unlike ever before. To be a Towerite is initially scary. Being faced with the idea of potentially living…

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It seems only like yesterday when I was heading down the A50 with a van full of bags. Silly little worries running around my brain: “Had I packed enough fancy dress? What was I going to cook myself? What shelf would I get in the fridge? And most importantly, would I have enough alcohol?” Being excessively keen, I arrived at 9.30am so had loads of fresher helpers to carry everything to my new room and home. I was surprised to find that the rooms in Rigg-Rut are large and spacious, and quickly found out that the en-suites are especially useful…

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