Author: LSU Media

By Lizzie Akass Moving in day is, without a doubt, the day that every student is the most nervous about before going to uni. What will my new flatmates be like? Will I forget something really important? How will I cope with this massive change? Sharing a bathroom with six strangers? Horrific. But! Rest assured from someone who was absolutely terrified en route to my first day at uni, it’s much easier than you think it will be, you’ll make friends much faster than you think, and, if you do end up forgetting something important, it can be replaced very…

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Freshers 2014 is here and Label Features have got freshers to write about their expectations for the hectic fortnight and first year ahead of them! As a fresher I guess the most prominent and widely sought expectation is that of a ‘crazy’ fresher’s week. I’m expecting a whole new definition to ‘pre-drinks’ with an introduction to drinking games that I didn’t even know existed! I’m anticipating freedom as I leave home for the first time and the excitement of meeting my new flat mates. As an English undergrad I’m also awaiting lots of hard work and perhaps a morning struggle…

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By Pippa Searle Invest in a door stop: sounds trivial, but keeping your door open during the day is a great way to get to know your new flat-mates and get a sociable atmosphere in the Do fancy dress properly: enough said really, these freshers nights will be so crazy and memorable, so you may as well go all in! Take it easy some nights: some of you hard-core freshers may not need this one, but it is important to let yourself have a night off/sober once in a while – you’ll be able to enjoy your freshers so much…

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By Katie Wilson Moving into a new room can be fairly daunting and not particularly homely. You’ll be spending a lot of time in your room so you need it to be a great space that represents you! Putting your own stamp on your room is essential for feeling more comfortable and leaving your new flatmates in awe! 1: Bring a few things from home. We all have little ornaments or mementoes that can remind us of home as well as help to decorate our new rooms. Great for windowsills and your shelves to add colour, character and interest! 2:…

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By Jess Excell It creeps up on you when you least expect it. One minute you’re out on the town busting outrageous moves on the dance floor like nobody has ever seen and then suddenly, you’ve been hit; Freshers’ Flu. With thousands of students arriving in one place from different parts of the U.K, as well as parts of the world, combined with drinking copious amounts of cheap alcohol, a limited amount of sleep and a diet consisting of Papa Si’s takeaways and morning hangover bacon sandwiches, it’s not surprising that we all end up feeling like we’ve caught the…

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