Author: LSU Media

Jena Dickson Revenge porn is worryingly increasing. Growth in technology makes it even easier for ex partners to post private and sexually explicit images or videos on social media, to blackmail, harass or just embarrass victims. Between 2012- 2014, 149 allegations of revenge porn were reported to the police, according to official data. Today a new offence in England and Wales received Royal assent; under an amendment to the Criminal Justice and Courts Bill. The statue now states anyone distributing photographs or films showing people engaging in sexual activity or with the individuals genitals exposed, without their consent, could face…

Read More Join LSU Welfare and HeadsUp! on Wednesday 18th February 2015 from 11am to 3pm to mark University Mental Health and Wellbeing Day. It is fun and interactive event to promote positive health and wellbeing, inspire creative thinking around mental health issues and reduce discrimination and stigma. Keep an eye out on our Facebook page and Twitter for interesting posts and updates: @lboroheadsup

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On Wednesday 11th February Loughborough’s Jewish and Islamic societies came together for a peaceful evening. The recent events in France led to the evening of commemorations as well as a consideration of the kinds of racism and anti- Semitism that occurs in the UK. The main aim was to celebrate the fact that here in Loughborough we are all one, hence the hashtag #OneLoughborough. People were able to go along to Cogs, listen to speeches from VP Societies, Sophie Farley; Co-ordinator for the CFS/Methodist Chaplain, Deacon Jan Sutton; from the Jewish Society we had Esther Malkinson; and from the Islamic Society, Awab Elniel.…

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LSU Media will be playing a huge part in the 2015 Exec Elections. There’ll be content released daily from LSUTV, LCR, Label and Lens meaning many many opportunities to get involved. No matter what your experience there will always be something to get your teeth into! Take a look at the current opportunities here  For more information get in touch with Matt Peat – Assistant Head of Media on [email protected].

Read More If you’re a finalist and you want to #FeelLikeCharlie, make sure you get to to fill in the National Student Survey. It barely takes any time, and it’ll leave you feeling on top of the world. #FeelLikeCharlie and do the NSS.

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Lizzie Akass Whether you’re getting exam results or essay results back, a stress-filled state of dread and anticipation leading up to getting back your marks seems as unpleasant as it does inevitable. However, there are ways of dealing with this stress, and trying to keep yourself calm, so results day really doesn’t have to be so nerve-wracking. Get a good night’s sleep the night before When you’ve got academic results coming out the next day, falling asleep can be a very hard thing to manage if you’re stressed out – but staying up only makes it worse. If you stay…

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As we enter second semester, Loneliness kicks in. Valentine’s approaches, You’re feeling as single as Bryn. Union nights end with cheesy chips, No cuddle, no kiss, There’s no one to hold, After a long day preparing your diss. As your course becomes more demanding, You’re starting to look like a state, But there’s a silver lining beneath Cupid’s cloud, As LCR’s announces Blind Date. She won’t see your prolonged exam beard Which you have no excuse for still having, Sign yourself and friends up, For some February 14th loving. To apply, email [email protected] with you name, email address and fun…

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