Author: LSU Media

This is it, the month the next ex-student team are being chosen by you, to represent the student body in the Union for 2019-2020. But what are they going to be called? Who will they be? What roles are there this year? When is everything happening? What’s the structure? Label are here to try and answer some of your questions. This year’s Executive Officer team is being altered; instead, for 2019-2020, there will be five ‘Executive’ members, six paid sabbatical officers, and three other sections chairs. The section chairs will be similar to this year’s DO’s, but some will be…

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Returning volunteer Isaac Cave goes back to the days of his first article, and gives us his two pence on the next instalment of ‘Marvel’s The Punisher’. So, we’re back ladies and gents with Frank Castle in season two of ‘Marvel’s The Punisher’ and while I’ve been anticipating its release for some time, I think it’s incredibly inconsiderate of Netflix to release such a great distraction right in the middle of exam season. Nevertheless, in my very first article, I considered season one to be one of the best Netflix Originals, filled to the brim with enough gritty violence…

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New volunteer Charlotte Daly looks at the benefits of joining a society while at university. University doesn’t just consist of hard work and academic pressure; it offers an array of exciting opportunities that can enhance your student experience. Loughborough University offers over 120 pre-existing societies and the chance to create your own. The array of extracurricular activities doesn’t stop there; the university showcases itself through the opportunity to participate in over 50 different sports, ranging in levels of ability. So, yes, the university may offer such experiences, but the question is, why should you engage with societies? Why should…

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Our News Editor, Izzy Brann, discusses the guest speaker we had over refreshers. As part of Refreshers’ celebrations last week, Game of Thrones actress, Maisie Williams, paid a visit to the Union to speak about her new app, Daisie. The event unsurprisingly was hugely popular with queues stretching across the union 20 minutes before the event was to begin. It was our Enterprise and Employability EO, Joshua Hope, who had the honour of interviewing Maisie, making sure to cover everything, from Chai latte’s at Loughborough’s Goodliffe’s to feminism in the film industry. Admittedly, despite the actress’ fame I was…

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Welcome to Label’s fortnightly news update, bringing you a few headlines from Loughborough, the UK and around the world. Keep Calm Week This last week saw our Union host a Keep Calm Week, involving puppy petting and a giant ball pit! The initiative was designed to help alleviate stress over the exam period and proved a great success. The puppy petting event was even covered by the local news! From mindfulness to yoga, the week was much needed so thank you to everyone involved! Antarctica mission Our very own member of the Department of Geography, Dr Jeff Evans, is…

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In this article, Label hope to appear unbiased and present all views which have currently been expressed by different parties. We also don’t accept any derogatory messages or views. If you have any queries about this article, please email [email protected]. For queries regarding quotations from outside sources, please refer to the links provided. It is advised to read the wider articles and statements surrounding this issue to gain more understanding. UPDATE: the two students will not be returning to Warwick, the Vice Chancellor has confirmed in a statement. TRIGGER WARNING On Monday, Warwick student Megan Wain shared a post discussing…

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Label caught up with two members, Ed Hodges (Chair) and Miles Bennett (Media), of one of Loughborough’s new societies at the Bazaar yesterday to see how they’re finding Society life. Why did you found Fighting Robot Society, what do you do which is different? Ed: We figured it was an interest to a lot of people which they wouldn’t normally get to fulfill; Loughborough University has the perfect tools to accomplish that. How often do you meet up? Ed: We normally meet up once a week, on Wednesday afternoons in the STEMLab. Miles: But you can use the STEMLab…

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[videojs mp4=”″ poster=””] Today Alex cooks up the love of his life… he of course means his homemade burger!

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Volunteer Milly Harrison provides a great nugget of info for those looking to get their dose of culture on a budget. Starting life over ten years ago as a community theatre ‘folk opera’ and later becoming a concept album, Anaïs Mitchell’s hit musical Hadestown has origins much more humble than its forthcoming Broadway transfer might suggest. Today it serves as a modern retelling of ancient myths, complete with revolving stage and diverse cast of talented performers. It deviates most obviously from its mythological roots in that the female lead Eurydice carves her own fate in this story – she…

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