This is it, the month the next ex-student team are being chosen by you, to represent the student body in the Union for 2019-2020.

But what are they going to be called? Who will they be? What roles are there this year? When is everything happening? What’s the structure? Label are here to try and answer some of your questions.

This year’s Executive Officer team is being altered; instead, for 2019-2020, there will be five ‘Executive’ members, six paid sabbatical officers, and three other sections chairs. The section chairs will be similar to this year’s DO’s, but some will be paid. See our infographic below to hopefully explain that a little more.

Over this month, candidates will be interviewed, videoed, photographed and create their own campaigns. On Thursday the 21st, they will be revealed to the student body and you will be overrun with marketing and media about the candidates’ manifestos, history in Loughborough and… what biscuit they would be?

You’ll be able to vote on Monday 25th, but may want to hold your horses, as a lot more information about each candidate will be revealed throughout the week.

On the evening of Monday 25th, Media will grill candidates and members of their teams live on the Soapbox, and the live results will be held on Friday 1stMarch.

It’s going to be a late one in Room 1, but Media will be recording it all, so if you don’t think you can make it out, want to get to bed early, or just want to watch at home in track pants while eating dominos, that’s cool, we’ve got you covered.

Expect the week from Monday 25thto be a little hectic on your social media channels, campaign teams will be promoting their candidates and you’ll receive offers of sweets, the highest praise, and explanations of why you should vote for person X, not person Y.

If you say ‘oh no, that’s bad’ once you see who the candidates are, don’t worry! You can always vote RON! RON will Re-Open Nominations, and allow someone else to run for the position.

Have any more questions? You can tweet us or email [email protected]. Alternatively, you can check out for more info.


Featured image by: Omeiza Haruna


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