On the 21 November 2013 Loughborough University was awarded a Queen’s Anniversary Prize, this time recognising “the University’s impact through research and skills development in High Value Manufacturing (HVM) to create economic growth”

Presented every two years to Universities and Colleges of further and higher education in the UK, the Queen’s Anniversary Prizes aim to recognise “world-class excellence in areas of service and benefit to the nation”. They are one of the most prestigious forms of national recognition available to a UK academic institution.

Loughborough University has received this award no more than seven times, for services including vehicle, road and driver safety research  (2007) and pioneering research in optical engineering (2000), amongst others.

Other winners included the University of Bristol for Obstetrics and neonatal practice, the University of Edinburgh for extending professional and academic skills in surgery and University College London for creating the bioprocess engineering base for converting research into new medicines.

 For further information on the award see http://www.lboro.ac.uk/service/publicity/news-releases/2013/219_QAP.html

Ella Stanbrook


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