Votes are in and counted and the theme for this years Graduation Ball is set to be Harry Potter.

There was stiff competition this year between two very promising themes, the other being Pirates of the Caribbean.

Event organisers will cast their magic spell over the Loughborough’s Students' Union transforming it into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, on June 29.

The ball is an annual tradition at Loughborough University and a chance for finalists to celebrate their graduation.

Each year the ball’s theme takes inspiration from recent movie successes. There are high expectations after the successes of last year’s Narnia winter wonderland theme.

The Grad Ball picture has already recieved praise for merging recognisable campus landmarks into the Hogwarts castle, including the Union entrance, old Rigg Rut and Towers.

Tickets go on sale at midday Saturday May 12, and the music line up will be released during freefest weekend on Monday May 7.


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