Author: LSU Media

Label Volunteer, Isaac Cave, gives his opinion on the recent film, Venom. When I heard that Sony were producing a standalone Venom film, my expectations were not high. Aside from the horrific flashbacks to Spiderman 3 (2007), the initial trailers and rumours surrounding the film only added to my concerns; watching Venom put all those rumours to rest and proved that I was absolutely, one hundred percent right. It’s a good thing that Sony’s Amy Pascal has confirmed that this film isn’t part of the Marvel cinematic universe because frankly, it’s crap. Our story literally gets off to a…

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Volunteer writer, Vicki Phillips, reports on the recent revelations about our world, offering some advice on what we can do to help prevent climate catastrophe. With the recent publication of the 2018 Living Planet Report, horrifying statistics have been spreading across social media about the extensive damage the planet is undergoing. Essential to human survival, the importance of the environment cannot be described since it forms the building blocks of our society. The necessity of our planets survival should and must be part of international agenda, having the potential to enable future discoveries in medicine and allow us to…

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Who won; Hey Ewe or the AU? Find out on Totty TV [videojs mp4=”″ poster=””]

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Label volunteer, Bella Butler, updates us on the career of Olympian, Usain Bolt. Usain Bolt’s short-lived trial with the Central Coast Mariners football club has come to a disappointing end for both parties. Bolt joined the team for an indefinite training period in August but has turned down his contract after the club was unable to secure “commercial solutions” to keep him. It was deemed impossible that the world’s fastest man would be able to switch careers at such a late stage in his sporting life. After retiring from athletics last year, aged 31, he was quoted to have…

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Alex is cooking like a skint student all over again! This time with a Pot Noodle [videojs mp4=”″ poster=””]

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Label Volunteer, Niamh Tait, reflects on Freddie Mercury’s impact as an artist following the release of the Bohemian Rhapsody film. Much like Freddie Mercury himself, the newly released film on his life and the cultural domination of Queen, has been divisive among critics and the public. Admittedly, the film lacks a rock ‘n’ roll edge that die-hard Queen fans may have hoped for, but we shouldn’t be so quick to judge. It is commendable for balancing the multiple dimensions of his personality, celebrating his energy and charisma as a performer, as well as acknowledging his battles with loneliness, sexuality…

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Welcome to Label’s new, fortnightly news update, bringing you a few headlines from Loughborough, the UK and around the world. Loughborough Sport In sporting news, last week, Loughborough again saw success after rising to glory in a prestigious international tournament in China. Loughborough Tennis have won a place to the Australian Open next year, on what promises to be a once in a lifetime trip. This follows on from the news that our alumnus Ross Edgley completed his 3200km swim around the coast of the British Isles. Persevering through jellyfish stings, storms and sores, Ross set a new record…

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Editor, Amie Woodyatt, brings you a little bit about your vote for this year’s Hall Committee elections, and asks Izzie Miller, a few questions. Confused by the strange costumes this week? Not sure why someone shouted out in your lecture? People walking round with a Rag bucket stuck to their hand? Welcome to Hustings. This time every year, Loughborough University halls vote in new committee members by setting candidates challenges to show how far they’ll go for their hall. Throughout this week, it’s been no different. Candidates have been trying their best around campus to win the hearts of…

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Are you a Friday Night Hero? LSUTV went out last week to FND to find out! [videojs mp4=”″ poster=””]

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