Author: LSU Media

Two weeks ago, US colleges opened their doors to students after months of closure. Last week, many closed them again. What can UK universities like Loughborough learn from their experience? The US has the highest COVID-19 case number in the world. Figures released by Johns Hopkins University show that the country has now had over 5.6 million cases and 175,000 deaths, with the numbers of both expected to be much higher than reported. Despite this, the return to universities and colleges has been endorsed by the majority of university presidents, with millions of students returning to study over the last…

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Today, the Loughborough University campus Sprint Bus service is resuming service after months of closure. The Sprint service was initially reduced to an out-of-term-time service on the 23rd of March after the Government announced a national lockdown, and the service was later cancelled altogether due to a lack of demand amid the COVID-19 crisis. However, Kinchbus have now said that “as activity on campus continues to increase we are now at a point in which the bus service can be reintroduced” at the usual out-of-term frequency the campus is accustomed to during the Summer months. Due to social distancing measures,…

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The University have released an update regarding the safety measures which will be implemented on campus. In a recent post on the Loughborough University website, the University have stated that the new ‘University’s Face Coverings Policy’ will come into action from Monday 7th September 2020. They have stated that face coverings are to be required in the following environments: communal indoor public areas in buildings such as EHB and James France lecture theatres and teaching rooms multi-occupancy toilets main thoroughfares and common communal areas They have also listed the areas where face coverings are not required: offices (including multi-occupancy offices)…

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The University have given an updated response regarding the U-turn in A-level results which outlines the next step for affected applicants. At 4pm today, Loughborough University outlined the next steps for affected A-level students as a result of the government’s U-turn in exam results. This is an update of their previous response released yesterday. The University have announced that: “If, as a consequence of the adoption of Centre Assessed Grades, you now meet or exceed the exact conditions of the offer made to you by Loughborough University, we will stand-by our original offer to you and will be able to…

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This evening, Loughborough University have released a statement regarding the government U-turn on A-level results.  Last Thursday, approximately 40% of A-level results were downgraded by a computer-based system which was implemented due to the cancellation of exams. Because of this, students were told to appeal and it wasn’t until Saturday that the government announced that they would cover all appeal fees. After days of uproar and anger, A-level and GCSE students in England will now be given the grades predicted by their teachers, rather than using the grades formulated by the previous algorithm. There are even calls for Education Secretary,…

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A packed Room 1 plays host to 11 fantastic fights at the 2016 edition of the annual Kickboxing Fight Night, as Loughborough University take on the University of Edinburgh! First Broadcast December 2016. Coverage presented by Ed Radford and Luke Thompson.

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Information regarding arrival week has been released which includes the precautions taken to adhere to social distancing measures in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. As per usual, students will be allocated with a specific arrival date to control the flow of people arriving at the university. Arrival week is scheduled before the academic year begins to make sure those in accommodation will have time to attend induction, enrol as well as get to know other students. However unlike previous years, students will only be allowed to be accompanied by one person from their household. Furthermore, those accompanying from the…

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Reservations and uncertainty as to what the 2020-21 academic year will look like are entirely understandable, but here at LSU we are working hard to enable you to find your community, notwithstanding the COVID-related changes to normal life. Ask any Loughborough student for a phrase to sum up campus life and I guarantee you one of the most common responses you get will be that it’s like being part of a big family… a ‘#LboroFamily’. Whilst some look at ‘#LboroFamily’ with a degree of pessimism – considering it nothing more than a shallow piece of marketing – others completely resonate…

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Label brings you live updates from this year’s A-level results day, where hundreds of thousands of students across England, Wales and Northern Ireland will receive their results! Summary At 8:00 BST, A-level, AS-level and A-level equivalent technical qualifications are released. Results this year are based on predictions as students could not take their exams in the usual manner due to coronavirus.  A strong emphasis has been made that the results are fair and consistent as well as being in line with results from previous years.  Schools and colleges have their own methods on how students will receive their results.…

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