Author: LSU Media

With a rising number of cases across Loughborough and the country, LSU has announced that they will be launching the ‘Covid Community Champions’ Scheme, designed to help out students who are self-isolating. The scheme, launched on Friday, aims to provide “doorstep delivery of prescriptions, post, library books, printing, and meals” for students who are self-isolating due to Coronavirus, and is designed to help students both on and off campus. This follows a meeting between Matt Youngs, Union President; Robert Alison, Vice Chancellor; and Richard Taylor, Chief Operating Officer for Loughborough University on Wednesday. They discussed that “the number of students”…

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Weekly Coronavirus cases have tripled in Loughborough, with 73 more individuals testing positive in Loughborough, up from just 25 the week before. 73 positive cases were confirmed last week across Loughborough, of which 26 were located in the Loughborough University area which covers campus accommodation, William Morris Hall and the Old Ashby Road area. This is up from none the previous week. Other major increases have been detected in Storer & Queens Park (the main part of the student triangle), and Lemyngton & Hastings area, which covers the town centre. Cases have also increased hugely across Charnwood, with 196 new cases in the last…

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Elections for the Union’s Board of Trustees and Democracy & Representation Committee are now open. So why should you vote in this year’s elections, and what do the committees do? The Board of Trustees is the highest body of the Union, responsible for its management, staff and administration, and is able to exercise all powers of the Union. There are three subcommittees: Executive (formed of the five Union Executive Officers), Finance and Risk, and HR and Renumeration. The Democracy and Representation Committee (DRC) is the Union’s elected student body, and is responsible for providing a platform for the voices of all Students to be…

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The inspirational athletes of the past, from Jesse Owens to Clive Sullivan, are widely celebrated and appreciated in today’s culture so before we wait to commemorate the modern-day figures, let’s celebrate them today! Powerful Women Black female athletes have failed to get the appreciation they deserve, so we need to prevent the mistakes of the past by bringing their achievements to light. Athletics 24-year-old Dina Asher Smith is the fastest recorded British woman in history, with records in the 100 metres (10.83 seconds) and 200 metres (21.88 seconds). She became world champion in 2019 at just 23 years old and…

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Loughborough University revealed today on Twitter that they have launched a new webpage detailing the number of COVID-19 cases detected at the Loughborough Campus. The figures have been pulled from their internal ‘Connect and Protect’ service. The figures are presented in terms of ‘On Campus’ New and Total, ‘Off-Campus’ New and Total, and ‘Total’ New and Overall figures, presumably based on where the positively tested person lives. The latest figures posted reveal that there are currently 8 cases on campus and 18 cases off-campus, totaling 26 overall cases for Loughborough University. The webpage has figures from 2nd October – 5th…

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Green Pea’s Director of Operations and volunteer writer, Zoe MacBean, speaks about the severity of the plastic crisis we are seeing across our oceans today and why we should care about it. In recent times, awareness of the vast amount of plastic entering our oceans has increased and become global knowledge. This means that it is now in the forefront of many people’s minds and we must grasp this opportunity to make changes to the amount of plastic we use. If we are to do this, we must understand what actions are being taken. We must understand what we can do on…

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LSU CASH’s Workshop Coordinator and volunteer writer, Megan McKone, speaks about what exactly consent is and guides us through how to be a better sexual partner. TW – rape and sexual assault. Ask a Consent and Sexual Health Officer: What is Consent? Imagine. You are out with your friends having a great time and you spot someone across the room. It’s meant to be. You are both into each other and you are taking them back to your room, everything is going great until you sense they are feeling a little uncomfortable. Should you still go through with it? Consent…

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There are tonnes of ways to get involved at Loughborough University. Whether that be through the many societies on offer, media, sports and fundraising work – here are just some of the things on offer. Action Action is the volunteering section here at LSU. There are many ways to get involved in Action however, the main aim is to help give you the opportunity to benefit the local as well as the wider community. Within Action, there are seven different areas to get involved in. Those are: community outreach, sport, international, overseas, young persons, equality and diversity, a-teams (hall led projects)…

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LSU Media have held an exclusive interview with the first flat in Loughborough to be put into lockdown following one of the flatmates testing positive for COVID-19.  We spoke to Ollie, Tabbs, Elle and Fleur who have all been placed into lockdown by the University after their flatmate Chris tested positive for Coronavirus on Friday. Chris got a test after reportedly losing his sense of taste and smell earlier in the week – after having no symptoms before coming to Loughborough. A total of 11 Robert Bakewell Hall Freshers are in the designated household, and all have been asked to…

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Before term starts, we wanted to know a bit more about the plans that Loughborough University have in place for learning and teaching, so we sent Sophie to find out a bit more! Presenter: Sophie Bracher Camera Operator: Sophie Bracher, Ben Cooke, David Owens Audio Operator: David Owens, Bethan Clargo Editor: Ben Cooke Executive Producer: Ben Cooke LSUTV is the award-winning Student Television Station for Loughborough University, and part of LSU Media. Get involved and join our team of volunteers today! BACK TO THE BUBBLE: University COO warns students to be careful on campus FRESHERS LINEUP: Find out what events…

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