Author: LSU Media

Volunteer writer, Leah Langley, gives five tips on how to manage and stop procrastinating. We’re all guilty of giving into procrastination from time to time. We actively choose to do something else although we know we have more pressing tasks that we should be undertaking. Even when we’re aware of the fact that we are procrastinating, it can be difficult to know what to do about it. Here are 5 tips that you could try to help you manage your procrastination: 1. Break work down into little steps and commit to one task at a time. When we are overwhelmed…

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Label volunteer, Alec Reed, writes about his favourite artist, kicking off 2021 with some positivity. Life can be an incredibly hectic, chaotic, confusing, worrying, scar- You get the picture. In short, life can get a little busy. I often seek for escape from everyday life, you know, the times where you would rather just be alone. Away from the world, away from people. Sometimes, even away from yourself. Music is my escape from life, it allows me to detach or immerse myself in the environment around me. I have had my phases, as we all do. The “closet emo” phase:…

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In a year where it seems like a lot has taken a turn for the worst, returning Label volunteer Leah Langley informs us on some of the environmental progress that has been made in 2020.  – Whilst the majority of news sources were focused on the pandemic that halted the world, there were a lot of positive news stories regarding the environment that went wholly unnoticed. The United Kingdom said that the sale of new petrol and diesel cars would be banned after 2030 in a bid to tackle climate change. The country also managed to go without coal-powered energy…

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Since the last Label Coronavirus Update in December, it’s fair to say there’s been quite a bit of change in the national picture. The appearance of a new Coronavirus strain, resulting in the creation of a ‘Tier 4’ and a third national lockdown has changed the landscape, with areas in the South East becoming the hardest hit nationally over the Christmas period. In Loughborough, however, the trend has been less drastic. The steady incline of cases which we reported on at the start of December continued, as expected, after the end of the Second National Lockdown, and spiked just after Christmas…

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Label volunteer, Sid Dhupal, provides us with some music inspiration for when you are revising and to get you ready for the exam on exam day. Well, it’s that time of year again. No, not Christmas, it’s exam season. Think of endless procrastination, a little hard work, and a lot of anxious waiting. This rollercoaster of emotions, however, can be conquered through music. While revision is quite tedious, it allows for the exploration of an expanse of music by any average student. Similarly, exam days are also often plagued with negativity: nervousness, frustration, and guilt. These scenarios could definitely use…

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Label volunteer, Leah Langley, tells us about how Wham!’s ‘Last Christmas’ reached Number One for the first time, becoming the first Number One 2021. January 1st, 2021 saw the first UK Number One of the year being announced, and much to everyone’s surprise, it was WHAM!’s ‘Last Christmas’ which topped the chart for the first time ever. After over 9.2 million streams in the week leading up to the New Year, the 36-year-old song finally reached the top spot. When it was originally released in December 1984, it was beaten to the top spot by Band Aid’s ‘Do They Know…

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The LSU Executive Elections have today been delayed until May in an unprecedented move by the Students’ Union. The move from the usual February-March elections period is the first in modern times, and is another signal of the effect that the Coronavirus pandemic is having on daily student life. Union President, Matt Youngs, said that the change would allow the Union “to facilitate elections despite the challenging backdrop” of the pandemic. Nominations will now open on the 26th April and close on the 30th, with campaigning running from the 6th to the 14th of May – two months later than…

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Volunteer writer Maciek Anielski explains the actions of social media company Twitter when banning the outgoing US President’s account and what this means for the future. On Friday the 8th January, Twitter permanently suspended the @realDonaldTrump account, two days after the storming of the Capital building by his supporters. In an official statement, twitter cited their Glorification of Violence policy as the reason for Donald Trump’s suspension. They specifically referred to two tweets: The 75,000,000 great American Patriots who voted for me, AMERICA FIRST, and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, will have a GIANT VOICE long into the future. They…

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The University and College Union yesterday threatened industrial action to prevent what they call an “unsafe campus return” this academic year. University lecturers have told the Government that they will not resume face-to-face teaching this academic year, and that any attempt by the government or vice-chancellors to reopen campuses in February will fail. The Union has alarmingly threatened to ballot nationally for industrial action for the fourth time in three years, this time over any potential student return to campus this academic year. In a statement, they said that they will ballot their members to strike against the resumption of…

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