Author: LSU Media

Here we are in November, having just received essentially the same amount of media coverage for a whimsical SU video in which nothing offensive was preached, no one̢��‰��s liberties were breached, the world has formed an opinion of the Loughborough SU exec by taking a light-hearted Freshers week tradition dramatically out of context.

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A girl was taken from her parents after questions were asked about her relation to the couple during an investigation into a Roma site. DNA tests proved she was not related to the couple, and a search was made to find her real parents. Alex Davies takes a closer look into the stories of missing children in Roma communities.

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Label Music is celebrating student talent by catching up with Loughborough student Lewis Wood to ask him about his band ̢�����The Quickfires̢��‰��. The indie-rock group will also be played on LCR̢��‰��s Label Music Show on Saturday from 5-6pm.

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With Halloween upon us, there is one Loughborough student who is more involved in the spooky events than the rest of us. Eddie King, a third year drama student and scare actor, works at Alton Towers̢��‰�� Scarefest between October 19 and November 3, terrifying thrill seekers to their core.

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Halloween is all about dressing up and having fun, and that should extend further than just the clothes you wear. Whether you’re opting for a zombie, devil, or a twerking Miley Cyrus this year, make up and nail art can really enhance your outfit, and give it an edge over the generic costume. Nail art is a really simple and cheap way to add a bit of extra flair to your look, and doesn’t require loads of expensive products or equipment.

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In a world where the media is obsessed with appearance and the idea of perfection, I like knowing that on Halloween at least people can dress up and look as grotesque and promiscuous as they please, and they can feel truly confident in doing so.

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YouTube. Where would we be without it? Cat videos, goats screaming and babies laughing; it̢��‰��s a website like no other. Discovered in 2005, YouTube has become a place to waste hours of the day watching the best viral content online. With over one hundred hours of footage being uploaded every minute it can often be hard to filter through the good and the bad. So, I̢��‰��ve chosen my top five YouTube channels that can be found on the go to procrastination site. In no particular order here they are̢����_

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