Author: LSU Media

Volleyball: Men’s 1s vs Cranfield University 1s 4.2.2015 Wednesday 4th February saw a volleyball fixture between Loughborough Men’s 1s and Cranfield University. The match was due to start at 3pm, however the home team was kept waiting by Cranfield who arrived an hour late. Due to Cranfield’s tardiness, Loughborough were awarded the first set by default before the match had even began, the home team getting off to a winning start.  The match eventually got underway, and the first few minutes saw the teams close on points. Loughborough won their first point in no time at all, however Cranfield were…

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Loughborough Women’s 1s vs Durham University 1s  2.11.14 The suspense leading up to Tennis D-day was felt by all in Loughborough tennis. Durham’s 1st team was sharing the top spot with our women’s 1st team in the BUCS premiership league going into the day, meaning that this match was even more crucial than just the inter university rivalry. On entering the tennis centre you could hear the sheer amount of support from the hallway, with the teams chanting and cheering at the top of their lungs, yet this was before the matches had even begun, this we knew was…

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With the fifth round of the Revolution Series coming up on 27/28th February in London, we are having a look back at Emma Lawton’s interview with the Cycling Team back in October before their first round in London . Interview Participants: Harley Matthews, Tom Ward, Matthew Webster, Ben Wimpory, and Matt Woods. Emma: The team raced in many BUCS races during the 2013/14 season, but did significantly well on the track. What was the biggest success on the track for you all? Tom Ward: I think our Team Pursuit was exceptional considering we only had two training sessions beforehand. Ben…

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Loughborough Hockey Women’s 1s vs Nottingham 1s  4.2.2015 On a bitterly cold Wednesday 4th February, the women’s hockey 1st team did battle with local rivals Nottingham on the Water-based pitch. With Loughborough in 3rd place and Nottingham one place behind, this match seriously mattered to the league standings of the two sides. Loughborough had the initial push but lost possession early on. It did not take long for the home side to retrieve the ball from the opposition, and Loughborough capitalised on this chance as Beth Bingham set up Kim Leiper to score within the first couple of minutes.…

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BBC Director of Sport, Barbara Slater, states that her years as an athlete and her time at Loughborough University helped springboard her career into sports media, which has seen her as the Head of Production and the Head of General Sports, and currently sees her as the BBC’s Director of Sport, the first female to ever hold the position. On Saturday 22 November, Barbara Slater treated the students of LSU Media to a Question and Answer session hosted by the VP of LSU Media, Bryn Wilkes, in Fusion. The 55 year old gave students an insight into her journey…

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Loughborough Women’s Basketball 1s vs Leeds Beckett 1s 4th February 2015 When first place Loughborough warmed up to face bottom place Leeds Beckett in the Premier North Division of the BUCS Women’s Basketball league at Sir David Wallace, everyone watching expected the home side to show their prowess and that is exactly what Loughborough’s ladies did. Loughborough started the match with a strong period of attacking play and when a time out was called with just four minutes in, the home side led 16-2, having let Leeds Beckett into an attacking position and weakening their defence to allow them…

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Jordan Smallin, GB Bobsleigh brakeman from Loughborough University, is currently travelling around the world competing in a series of eight events that collectively make the Bobsleigh World Cup Tour. I caught up with him in between his travels to find out how he was getting on and to get an insight into this phenomenal experience to find out where it all began. I: Firstly, congratulations on your selection for the GB Bobsleigh team this winter, I bet you’re delighted to have this opportunity, where did it all start for you? What got you into Bobsleigh? J: Well it all started…

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Challenge yourself. Enrich your life experience. Live life to the fullest. What is AIESEC? AIESEC is the world’s largest global platform for the youth to explore and develop their leadership potential and work aboard. We are a youth-led, non-political, and leadership development organisation run by students and recent graduates of institutions of higher education. AIESECers are actively engaged in the world issues, leadership and management. Aim of AIESEC The aim of AIESEC is to equip its members with a global awareness and leadership skills through volunteering around the world to gain experience in cultural differences and autonomy to live independently…

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Serena Gainda On 12th February, Bright Club put on their researcher-turned-comedian comedy show at the popular Loughborough venue- The Organ Grinder. I willingly agreed to review what I thought would be a typical comedy show, unaware that academics were going to take up the mic. After being enlightened on this matter, I began to feel dubious about the quality of comedy awaiting me and arrived at the event with my reservations.  How could comedy possibly be produced from academics’ research topics? The idea conjures up expectations of a mildly cringe-inducing night filled with half-hearted, generous laughs infused with a large…

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