Author: LSU Media

Axelle Savary was on the Bubble Debate Panel last week. She gives Label her opinions on the candidates one week on…   It’s been a long week, a nightmare on social media for us as well as our friends and family back home. They won’t have a clue why they are looking at people they don’t know in stupid costumes asking for votes. It’s now nearly over and after a large amount of people knocking on my door asking for my vote, I thought I’d share my opinions on all of the candidates… Union President -Edward Reckless vs. Adam Sellers I…

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Voting has now closed and the full exit polls for all voting days will be released on our Live Results TV Show. We’re going live from the VIP party in JC’s from 12-midnight tonight and will then go over to Room 1 for the official announcement at As a little taster, here are Monday’s exit poll results. Participants were asked to select their first preference vote in each poll: Position Candidate Day 1 Union President Edward Reckless 52.23% Adam Sellers 14.25% RON 32.53% VP Action Rosie Harvey 89.93% RON 10.61% VP Education Kailey Hazeldene 79.40% RON 20.60% VP Finance &…

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News just in from Liam Peoples, VP Union Affairs. The current vote count in this year’s Exec Elections has broken our record of 7147 individual voters. As at 13:59 on 4th March 2015, the number of individual voters stands at 7275. Haven’t had your say yet? Continue to vote for your new Union Executive at LSU Media will be providing full live TV and Label online coverage of the live results from 12 midnight tonight at

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Throughout the 3 days of voting we will be using exit polls to gauge voter opinion. We’ll release the exit poll information once the vote has closed. For each poll below, please choose your first preference candidate. [polldaddy poll=8690189] [polldaddy poll=8690191] [polldaddy poll=8690192] [polldaddy poll=8690196] [polldaddy poll=8690198] [polldaddy poll=8690199] [polldaddy poll=8690212] [polldaddy poll=8690213] [polldaddy poll=8690214] [polldaddy poll=8690215]

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On Wednesday 10th December 2014, Loughborough students gathered in the new Shirley Pearce Square in an attempt to break the World Record of the amount of people wearing Christmas jumpers in one place. To participate, students donated £2 to Save the Children, raising over £3000, adding to our LSU Rag total for this year! 1175 students attended, absolutely smashing the previous record of 639. The event was organised by Sarah Haar, ex- VP Action and current Corporate Social Responsibility intern in Human Resources. Today, Sarah received an email to confirm that Loughborough have indeed broken the record and our certificate…

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Elections Committee have released statements to LSU Media notifying that Rachael Lynch and Steph Noble have recently completed campaign bans. The following candidate received a campaign ban for indirect campaigning on LSU staff webpages: Rachael Lynch. The ban given was for 5.1/2 hours with effect from Monday 2nd March, 10:30pm until Tuesday 3rd March, 4am. – Salomi Senthilkumar (Chair of Union Affairs) The following candidate received a campaign ban for filming upstairs in the area of the LSU Exec Offices: Steph Noble. The ban given was for 5.1/2 hours with effect from Monday 2nd March, 10:30pm until Tuesday 3rd March,…

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