Author: LSU Media

This radio show is presented by Roisin Potter. [button link=”″ color=”default”]More LCR Content[/button][button link=”” color=”default”]More from Roisin Potter[/button]

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NO- Sarah Clifford Nobody could sensibly argue that 16 year olds aren’t smart or mature enough to vote, but just because a large number of sixteen year olds could become ready to vote, doesn’t mean that they should. One might argue that giving sixteen year olds the right to vote doesn’t take away their freedom from responsibility because voting isn’t compulsory, and you would be absolutely right, but give every sixteen year old in the country the right to vote…and every school in the country will start discussing politics in lessons and assemblies. All of a sudden, that childhood naivety…

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Rachael Milsom Romance. University. Let’s face it, these two concepts aren’t immediately synonymous. In a game of word association what are the chances of university being followed with responses like romance or relationship? Not likely. Degree, flatmates, alcohol and hooking up are some of the more predictable choices. But for those of you who are loved up, or want to catch that special someone’s attention, there are plenty of cute gestures to make while at university. More importantly these gestures don’t break the bank. This may just be an assumption but I’m guessing that a surprise weekend getaway to Paris…

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Beatrice Quarshie Going to university is undoubtedly a life changing experience. It’s a time when we try different things, meet new people, and find out the people we want to be and hopefully leave with a degree. With all that being said, it’s important not to overlook a much needed reality check; not all of us are going to become the next Mark Zuckerberg of our campus, nor are we all going to find the love of our lives like Wills and Kate. It’s an idyllic ideology to have but simply isn’t realistic. So here are the top five things…

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BUCS Individual Tennis Finals – Singles Sunday 8th March 2015  Olivia Nicholls (5th seed) vs Lutfiana Budiharto (4th seed)  Score: 6-2 2-1 (ret) Sunday’s finals day brought a big crowd to Loughborough’s Dan Maskell Centre, most of who had turned up to watch Olivia Nicholls representing Loughborough in her final against University of East London’s Lutfiana Budiharto. Both Olivia and Lutfiana had to play their semi-finals in the morning previous to facing one another, taking on two very tough opponents meant that al four players in the semi-finals deserved their places within the final itself. Olivia was up against previous…

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Serena Gainda As semester two begins, we glance back at the previous semester and make the solemn vow to ourselves as many have made before us- ‘never again’. We look ahead and reassure ourselves that this time, it’ll be better.  We are ready. The promises are made to get ahead with work, get organised, attend lectures and what’s more, stay awake during them! Our motivation levels are peaking and we’re rearing to go. However, before we know it, this motivation dwindles and we slink back into old habits. Semester two, you continue unconquered and we wearily chase your tail. To…

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Rachael Milsom Facebook. Twitter. Instagram. Pinterest. Most of us have accounts for these websites. Social media has become integral to our world. And it’s hardly surprising. They are a fun, convenient way to stay in contact with friends and family, share our own photos and experiences and hear about the latest events. The perks of social media go on and on. But these online channels of communication do not come without certain risks which we need to be aware of. We willingly expose ourselves on social media and therefore need to know how to protect ourselves effectively. Risks include disclosure…

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Hi, I’m Bryn Wilkes. Firstly, to the 5,385 Loughborough students who voted for me to have another year as your VP Media, thank you. Secondly, to the 1,044 Loughborough students who voted to re-open nominations, now is the start of a 16-month period that I have to try to change your mind about me. Now isn’t the time to go into paragraphs and paragraphs about why my reasons for rerunning were genuine and rightly-motivated; however, I am happy to point you to any of the interviews I gave for LSU Media during the elections period if you’re curious. Instead, I…

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