Author: LSU Media

This week, beginning 16th March, LSU’s Sexual Health Coordinator Jess Excell is hosting Loughborough’s very first Sexual Health And Guidance Week- abbreviated to ‘SHAG’ Week. Many events are being held this week in order to raise awareness and increase Loughborough Student involvement. From a casual chat at the Let’s Talk About Sex Tea and Talk on Wednesday 1-3pm in the W&D Office; getting checked for Chlamydia with the NHS in the union on Tuesday, having fun at the JCs pub quiz on Thursday evening; or the ‘50 Shades of Grey’ discussion in COGS from 7:30pm on Tuesday evening alongside LWN, there’s plenty going on…

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Did you know that voting was recently open in the election to decide our delegates for the annual NUS National Conference? Successful candidate Dan Leedham investigates why the answer might well be no. Five hours after voting officially opened students were still unable to vote, as the website simply presented a message suggesting “No Elections are Currently Running”. The Candidate’s Pack for the election read: Voting opens online at on Saturday 14th March at 08:00 Nominations Not only could students not vote in the election, many would-be candidates were hampered from running simply because advertisement of the election was…

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Today, Friday 13th March, a service was held in commemoration and thanks to all of the servicemen and women who fought and were killed in the 13 year long war in Afghanistan. HRH Queen Elizabeth attended the ceremony today at St Paul’s Cathedral in London, alongside Prince Charles, Prince William and Prince Harry who served in the Afghan war, to name a few. PM David Cameron gave a reading from the New Testament during the service. Bereaved family members attended the ceremony as part of the tribute, alongside wounded soldiers. A parade by veterans and a fly past was also part…

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LCR pushes next year’s Exec through its paces with a series of challenges. This is a clip of one of the tasks with the full show available here. [button link=”″ color=”default”]More LCR Content[/button]

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Rachael Milsom considers university friendships… Now that graduation day is swiftly approaching I often find myself thinking back to when I began my three years at Loughborough University. A time when my housemates were strangers and the place I call home was just another regular house in the student triangle. Every single adult I spoke to about university would pass on the same piece of wisdom – ‘The friends you make at university will be your friends for life’. Only now do I realise they were 100%, absolutely, completely and utterly right. And here’s why… 1: They have seen you…

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Top 10 Drunken Men The Aggressive One- this guy will start a fight over almost anything, whether it’s to parade around his muscles or show off to a girl (we’re not impressed) – so it’s best to steer clear of him once he’s had a few beers. The Alcoholic-To-Be- you’ll often find this fellow sitting quietly in a corner, absolutely content with his good friend, whiskey. He can usually hold a lot of liquor and isn’t shy to day drink, but this guy is one of the BEST people to have a deep and meaningful conversation with at three in…

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Alice Priestley looks into why it’s best to wait to rent- don’t rush it! After living in halls, the prospect of renting an actual house can be extremely daunting. There is so much to know, and it seems as if there is so little time to make your big decision. But don’t rent yet! Here are some tips on why you should thoroughly spend time choosing your house – a decision that you will be glad you made. Don’t be Lured in! With advertisements, housing fairs and other things swirling around campus, it’s normal to feel pressured. Housing companies will…

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As the Loughborough Women’s Network International Women’s Week comes to a close today, Lizzie Fenner looks back to the start of the week and shares her take on the Women of Loughborough Festival that took place on Monday 9th March.  Monday saw the launch of International Women’s Week here at Loughborough University, kick-started by the Women of Loughborough Festival in Room 1 in the evening. Starting with an inspirational talk from Melanie Hani from Healing Education Animation Research Therapy (HEART) on her work treating abused and detached children, including Romani gypsy’s in Slovakia, the night saw women and men from across Loughborough take…

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