Author: LSU Media

Loughborough University has recently been accredited with the top place in The Telegraph’s recent analysis of the ‘Top 10 universities for quality of student life’.

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When making your final UCAS applications were you really considering the fact that you’d be fleeing the nest in September to discover your inner personality and style? Maybe you chose Loughborough to find your inner sports person and discover new things…but surely that does not actually mean that you have reinvented yourself… Well, take a look around Loughborough and you are unlikely to find many people who have changed since they arrived. Perhaps they’ve acquired a lot of Loughborough stash and like to wear it everywhere they go, proving that they’re in the Gymnastics society for instance- but they’re just…

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Alice Priestley Though alcohol actually decreases our brain cells, we still insist on convincing ourselves we are wiser than ever after a few dirty pints. Deep chats and motivational speeches in the toilet, the demand for greasy food on the walk home and bambi legs are a common occurrence when we’re all a bit merry. Here are some points on what is normal, and what our brains deem acceptable after one too many ‘bevs’. So You Think You can Sing A couple jägerbombs down, you solidly believe you sound like Leona Lewis at the X Factor final. Instead, you just…

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Serena Gainda looks into how technology makes us anti- social, and how some people argue the opposite.  Technology is at the centre of our modern lifestyles- the absolute core, the beating heart which without we’d surely fail to function.  Once introduced to the convenience technology provides us, it’s hard to imagine reverting back to a place without it. However, it is the growth of social media that distinguishes our generation and its technology from the last. We are hooked on the likes of Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Treated like extensions of our arms, phones travel with us everywhere in order to…

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Rachael Milsom considers the lessons we really learn at university… At first, we may say the obvious answer – university teaches us about the degree we have chosen to study. We attend lectures, seminars, workshops and labs. We slave over essays and devote ourselves to revision for exams. We aim to expand our knowledge of a certain subject to be prepared for a career in that area. But university is not just about listening to our tutors in the lecture hall or diligently studying inside the library. During our three years at university we learn so many life lessons along…

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Alice Priestley looks at the 10 types of Instagrammers! The Selfie Queen Like reading and writing, everyone knows a Selfie Queen in this day and age. At least once a day, expect a new selfie to be uploaded paired with an excessive amount of hashtags and a highlighting and shadow-enhancing filter. If they’ve gone pro, look out for the Selfie Stick or heavily cropped frames. The Hashtag Fiend  Much like the Selfie Queen, expect Hashtags galore – you may need to scroll for a good few days. It doesn’t matter the subject content of the photo itself, this person is…

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