Author: LSU Media

Label Culture meet up with Tolly Coburn, one of the actors featuring in brand new play A.D.A.M – The Modern Frankenstein, by Lewis Aaron Wood. Hello! Yo. Who do you play in A.D.A.M- The Modern Frankenstein? Victor Stone Tell us a bit about Victor. Did you find him easy to relate to? It has been a difficult process as Victor is very different from myself and any character I have ever played. He has OCD and is a world renowned child prodigy, so he is very different from myself! What drew you to audition for the role of Victor? Have…

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Label Culture caught up with Charlie Staunton who is about to take on a starring role in new production A.D.A.M – The Modern Frankenstein, by Lewis Aaron Wood. Hello! Who do you play in A.D.A.M – The Modern Frankenstein? I play Adam, the artificial intelligence unit created by Victor Stone, the creature in this adaptation of the original story. What is Adam like? Are you similar to him in any way? Adam is essentially a robot. The progression of his character within the play sees him becoming more human so in one way I suppose I do share similarities in…

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