Author: LSU Media

Role profile for LSUTV Head of News & Factual In charge of finding News related content to report on for Newsflash. Will be particularly involved with Exec Elections and other Factual content Duties and responsibilities: • Support Newsflash or a similar news show to be regular content. • Effectively and regularly communicate with producers to make sure shows are well planned and regularly produced to a high standard. • Contribute to and support a regular live magazine-style show • Ensure footage is filmed, edited and produced in a reasonable time-scale to ensure content is still relevant and up-to-date. • Attend…

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Role profile for LSUTV Head of Sport In charge of finding sports content to cover and working with Head of Sport on Senate to run and create Match Report content. Duties and responsibilities: • Responsible for sport output of LSUTV; under the Match Report brand and beyond. • Oversee and lead a team of LSUTV sport volunteers. • Liaise with the LSU Media Head of Sport to ensure that LSUTV Sport content is relevant to sporting events on campus. • Play a key part in the running of the weekly magazine show in regards to sports content. Opportunities: • Be…

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Role profile for LSUTV Head of Technical & Training A knowledgeable person that knows about the more technical challenges LSUTV faces. Should be prepared to work with LSU Media Head of Technical to assist the running of live shows and content within TV Duties and responsibilities: • Responsible for maintaining equipment and regularly checking all equipment is present and undamaged. • Work with Union IT to ensure software and (if necessary) hardware is up to date, keeping track server usage. • Identify what equipment needs purchasing and areas of improvement. • Produce technical support and advice to show producers. •…

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HEAD OF TRAINING  Duties and responsibilities: To be responsible for the organisation of all training. Supervision of new volunteers. To keep track, adapt and regularly update a training matrix. Organise one off training sessions to cater to specific aspects of volunteers abilities that could do with improvement. Set the standard of output that is expected from volunteers and to ensure volunteers are of this potential before being given the opportunity to do aura projects. Opportunities: To organise and create sessions of training that target specific qualities. Working with industry level equipment. Ability to set and maintain a standard…

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HEAD OF EVENTS Duties and responsibilities: Organise volunteers to cover events that have requested a presence from Lens Find new and exciting events that Lens volunteers may be interested in covering. Advise the Head of Training about volunteers who may require training, Supervise inexperienced volunteers during their coverage of events. Ensure straps (logos) are available for volunteers to use for the range of events they will cover. Opportunities: Work behind the scenes as a photographer at high profile events across campus Build valuable photography and managerial experience through organising volunteers Build communication skills Explore styles which work for…

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HEAD OF SPORT  Duties and responsibilities: Ensure that volunteers have relevant training and supervise new volunteers Ensure the smooth running of Wednesday afternoon sports photography with volunteers, whilst pushing for the coverage of bigger one-off events. Work as a part of the LSU Media Sport committee to ensure the Match Report brand is used across all sections and liaise between the two committees. Opportunities: Presiding over the section of Lens photography responsible for covering what Loughborough’s famous for. Helping to steer the direction of the Match Report brand. Having access to media areas of big sporting events. …

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ASSISTANT HEAD OF LENS Duties and responsibilities: Assist the Head of Lens in all activities and decisions, and be acting Head of Lens where required. Prepare Lens meeting agendas, take meeting minutes and ensure they are promptly available to the committee after the meeting, through the Committee FB group. Expected to assist all other committee members where required. Provide advice, both creatively and organisationally, the various committee members on their respective projects Be the initial point of contact and oversee the delivery of content through social media channels – Facebook, Instagram and Twitter Advise the Head of Lens and…

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Artificial Intelligence as defined colloquially is: when a machine mimics ‘cognitive’ functions that humans associate with other human minds, such as ‘learning’ and ‘problem solving’; and there is no doubt that artificial intelligence has become a widely controversial and widespread trend in the last few years. In fact, most people will agree that a robot can work in an assembly line, but there’s no consensus on whether a robot can ever be intelligent, and what the limits of that intelligence will/can be. Considering the proliferation of every day AI tools — such as the Amazon Alexa, Google’s Google Home and Apple’s…

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Today we had the by-election Soapbox interview with Rory Pears, running for VP Finance and Development. When he entered the room, he seemed calm and collected, sitting on his box ready to begin; while the opening sequence ran, he was visibly thinking through points in preparation for his opening statement. Before Joshua Gray started his questioning, the two chatted to break the ice. Rory joked that he was ready to get a “grilling”, knowing that this Soapbox would be no different to the first. During his opening statement, he emphasised that he would like to “deliver the best student experience…

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As if Jonnie Peacock’s athletic career wasn’t illustrious enough, the Loughborough-based athlete has taken on a new challenge. After becoming an amputee due to meningitis at just the age of 5, Peacock quickly overcome any obstacle thrown at him. Still in his teenage years, he triumphed in the T44 100m at London 2012, taking home gold and making a big name for himself. Nearing the end of June 2012, Jonnie Peacock became the fastest amputee sprinter in the world. This made him not only a world-class para-athlete, but a sensational role model to a vast audience- old and young. There’s…

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