Author: LSU Media

On May 19th, 2018, the British Royal Family will be welcoming a new member in the form of the glamorous Californian actress, Ms. Meghan Markle, as she marries our very own loveable ginger, Prince Harry. The future Duchess has a lot to look forward to marrying the 6th in line to the throne, but also has the major task of transitioning from the life of a celebrity actress to a royal bride. Having grown up and worked in Hollywood, Meghan is used to the spotlight, but now has to learn to abide by the strict rules that come as part…

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Gender inequality has been a hot issue thought history, and though we have certainly moved forward by leaps and bounds in terms of levelling the “playing field” for the sexes there is still some ways to go. Though women now have many more rights than before — among which the right to vote, own land, work and pursue a career — there are countless social stigmas against them which dictate how they their actions are perceived, and consequently their image within society as a whole. At first, there wouldn’t appear to be a problem at all, I mean women should…

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I visited Sudan last year in Kenya. He was bruised at the edge of his rump (a body part of rhinos just above the tail) in a fight with another of his species. He had lost one eye and suffered several age-related complications. His guard explained Sudan’s life to us, highlighting why he was captured, why he refused to mate and why he behaved the way he did. I distinctly remember him letting me feed Sudan a stick of sugar cane as a reward for showing up when whistled. There were only five northern white rhinos remaining in 2005 when…

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