Label interviewed the candidates running for President 2019-20, read their responses below (in alphabetical order, we try and be unbiased here!)…

Candidate: Salomé Doré

Sum up your main manifesto points in one sentence.

What I want to bring to the union is experience and continuity, transparency in communication, representation for disengaged students, and I want to improve the food options in the union.

What was your motivation for running?

I’ve been on exec for 2 years now and I’ve done student volunteering, and with the union going into this big restructure, I feel it needs someone with that experience and that continuity of knowing how to do things to make sure things don’t go downhill. I just want to make it the best it can be, as it’s been really good for me, and I want that for every student.

What do you want to achieve this year?

It’s hard to write a manifesto this year, because the president does not have a defined role, they are a chair and the face of the union who supports everyone. I want the union to become a transparent place where students feel like they can come and talk to us and that we’re gonna represent them, and that they know what we do. That’s the main thing I want to bring to the role.

What have you enjoyed most about life in Loughborough?

Getting involved… I was really surprised with all the stuff I could get involved with and I’ve been involved with most sections. It was good to be able to try all these things because from getting involved, I actually became someone; a better version of myself. That was deep and cheesy.

What would be your three desert island tracks?

Another Love – Tom Odell

Finesse – Bruno Mars

Je Ne Veux Pas Travailler– Edith Piaf

What is your favourite TV show/series?

How I Met Your Mother, because I’ve just finished it.

If you could have dinner with 1 person dead or alive who would you choose?

Emma Watson

Cat or dog?


Tea or coffee?


Pineapple on pizza or eww?

Yes, I’m gonna be hated for this.

Fusion, Cogz or Room 1.


Candidate: Luke Wheeler

Sum up your main manifesto points in one sentence.

My manifesto points are fluid and interchangeable and work well together, and ultimately point to bringing a new and fun personality to the exec team and the union while keeping the system stable and sound.

What was your motivation for running?

Probably seeing friends on the exec team making a difference while enjoying themselves, and also the fact that it’s felt like a natural progression in a way; I’m excited that, should I get the role, I can do the same.

What do you want to achieve this year?

To start some process that is long term and sustainable. Considering some of the ‘crises’ that are occurring at the moment, I want to achieve a situation where, should I get the role, my successor will want to continue the plans that are set in place. To have proper student leader training, so that people know what they’re doing in their role, and they are good enough at engaging with students through their role that they can actually bring more participants to events. I also have a couple of manifesto points that are around increasing engagement by more effective communication.

What have you enjoyed most about life in Loughborough?

Halls. I boarded for five years; halls is boarding in that best sense, without the teachers.

What would be your three desert island tracks?

Escape (The Piña Colada Song) – Rupert Holmes

Touch – Hybrid minds

Snake Charmer – Blink 182

What are 3 things you couldn’t live without?

My little sister



What is your favourite TV show/series?


If you could have dinner with 1 person dead or alive who would you choose?

Barack Obama

Cat or dog?


Tea or coffee?

Luke warm chocolate.

Pineapple on pizza or eww?

Yeah… why not.

Fusion, Cogz or Room 1?

Room 1

Editor’s note: these interviews have been edited, if you would like longer transcripts of our interviews, please email [email protected].

Featured image by: Omeiza Haruna


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