During Freshers’ there are specific events and occurrences that everyone experiences; from an awkward game of “Never Have I Ever”, to going to the societies bazaar because they are handing out free pizza (yes, I have done both). So here’s a heads up of the type of person each Fresher finds themselves turning into over the next few weeks…

The Overly Friendly onenight out

You’ve made it! You’ve done the hard bit, A-level results day is now a fond (or not-so-fond) memory and you’re finally at university. Now what? You’ve got to find those forever friends everyone talks about, those ones who will be there for the rest of your life; are they in your halls? On your course? Or in a society you’re thinking about joining? Well I’m afraid I don’t have the answer, so you’ll just have to be Friendly Ferne. Literally, you’ll turn into the nicest version of yourself due to the overwhelming fear of spending univeristy life alone. You’ll buy everyone a drink and invite them to yours for pres the next night, but don’t worry you’ll find them, even if one is the crying girl in the toilets in Echoes!

The Boozie one

Don’t quite know your limits yet? Don’t worry, you still won’t by the end of Freshers. You may drink a lot more than your standard night out at home, and that’s before you even leave pres! Drinking games are a massive part of the experience for a lot of people, so there’s a chance you may be ‘stuck on the bus’ or ‘paranoid’ for the first time. Boozie Bonnie is you’re slightly-too-drunk-self shaping some moves in Fusion to, dare I say it, Reach for the Stars. Don’t panic if this really isn’t for you, the union put on many non- drinking events throughout Freshers so everyone can enjoy the experience.

The Keeno 

Love your committee? They are the ones helping you settle into university life, leading by example (to a degree), and hopefully looking after you on a night out. You’ll love them! You’ll want to be one of them, you’ll want to be friends with all of them, and you’ve probably already started your campaign for hustings whilst reading this to get onto a hall committee yourself!

The Gamesmaster Playing Cards

Do drinking games have rules? Yes? Then follow them! You’re the person who makes sure everything is kept in order during pres. Every forfeit must be completed and every shot taken, no slackers allowed at your pres. You might make some friends, you might lose some, but at least you’ve kept to the rules.

Lonely Larry

Don’t worry we’ve all been there. You’ve turned up to your first lecture (pretty hungover) and have no idea where to sit. Try not to let it phase you, there will always be at least one lecture where you still have no idea who actually takes the module. Sit next to someone and have a chat, chances are they are in the same situation as you.

Kristy Robertson 


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