Bethany McLean brings to you a preview for one of Loughborough University’s most cultural assets, its Student Union Stage Society.

The time has come for students to check out the talents of our university’s thespians, as the Student’s Union Stage Society (SUSS) presents three weekends of theatre. Each entry costs only £5 for students and start at 7:30pm, leaving you with plenty of time to hit FND or Echoes! Whether you like comedies, rock-musicals or fancy doing something different with your friends or a hot date, the SUSS has got three great shows lined up in the upcoming weeks.

Stage Right (22 – 23November)

The first show, Stage Right is written and directed by our very own John Whittle, and will be showing at Fearon Hall this weekend. The play-within-a-play centres round the backstage action of a modern-day Macbeth production,from broken scenery panics, inter-cast affairs, medicated drama queens and a camp director hiding a deadly secret in a mysterious bin bag. Billed as ‘Shakespeare meets Fawlty Towers,’ the show promises farcical humour, with the cast working hard on the hilarious moments that make the behind the scenes action just as exciting as the onstage spectacle. The production is selling out fast so don’t miss out and book your ticket on the link below, or try your luck at the door!

Spring Awakening (28-30 November)

On the 28-30 November, the society presents Spring Awakening at the Cope Auditorium. The musical presents a group of adolescents discovering themselves and their sexuality, and facing life and death situations in a strict 19th century German society. This show is ideal for those of you who prefer to steer clear of cheesy musicals as the teenagers express their frustration and angst with rock songs. Don’t miss out on this extravagant performance, which includes great music, a brilliant storyline and two students enacting a sex scene on stage -trust me it’s convincing! Directed by three talented students Leoni Seville, Ellen Gray and Rosie Harvey and performed by a committed and skilled cast, this show promises to be sensational.

The 39 Steps  (6th– 7th December)

Coming to Fearon Hall, The 39 Steps presents a gifted cast of six whom multi-role expertly to create a fast-paced and humorous whodunit before your very eyes. For all you Hitchcock fans, this show is based on one of his masterpieces, telling the story of a man with a dull life who suddenly becomes the target of a nationwide manhunt after a woman he takes home is found dead. The show combines zany characters, witty one-liners, suspense and silliness. The small but talented cast, alongside directors Steph Biggs, Aileen Ging and Charlotte Dove, have perfected the characters and comic timing. As a result, the play will have audiences in stitches and nonstop laughter.

To reserve tickets for any of the shows, email [email protected]

Bethany McLean


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