Author: LSU Media

Label interviewed the candidates running for Vice President 2019-20, read their responses below (in alphabetical order, we try and be unbiased here!)… Candidate: Darcey Dunne Sum up your main manifesto points in one sentence. Inclusivity, better communication, ensuring the Union rebuild is student-facilitated. What was your motivation for running? A friend actually nominated me, but I want to make positive changes to the university, it’s given me so much. I’d love to be on the Exec team next year and be a part of the changes and make sure that every student has the best experience and the best…

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Label interviewed the candidates running for the paid Section Chair roles 2019-20 (not including College), read their responses below (in alphabetical order, we try and be unbiased here!)… Action Candidate: Pippa Baynham Sum up your main manifesto points in one sentence. To increase accessibility of Action, exceed on excellence, and improve our financial organisation as a section. What was your motivation for running? Being on committee this year; I’ve seen what Joel’s done, and I want to keep moving forward, to make the section better for the longstanding of it, really. What do you want to achieve this year?…

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Ever wondered what goes into an Election ??? Well Alex is here to tell us how to cook an election! [videojs mp4=”″ poster=””]

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Day 3 of the Executive Elections are upon us, with the combined Rag and Action Q&A taking centre stage! Credits Presenter Tim McGovern Camera Christopher Leroux Camera Joshua Thompson Editor Christopher Leroux Executive Producer Tim McGovern LSUTV is the award-winning Student Television Station of Loughborough University. Get involved and join our team of volunteers today! Visit our YouTube Channel and follow us on Twitter, @lsutvonline.

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Label interviewed the candidates running for Welfare and Diversity EO 2019-20, read their responses below (in alphabetical order, we try and be unbiased here!)… Candidate: Matt Youngs Sum up your main manifesto points in one sentence. An inclusive freshers for all, raising awareness of the section and its associations across campus and taking the current issues and concerns of students right to the top of the union and to the university. What was your motivation for running? For me, the W&D section was sort of my family at university, I always struggled to fit in. I got involved volunteering…

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Label interviewed the candidates running for Education EO 2019-20, read their responses below (in alphabetical order, we try and be unbiased here!)… Candidate: Ana-Maria Bilciu Sum up your main manifesto points in one sentence. My manifesto focuses on three main areas which are; visibility, empowerment and transparency. What was your motivation for running? I’ve been at university for 4 years now and in each year I have done something differently. I started off as a peer mentor as well as a course rep, and then I was a Department Vice Chair followed by Chair. So, I have a lot…

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Label interviewed the candidates running for Sports EO 2019-20, read their responses below (in alphabetical order, we try and be unbiased here!)… Candidate: Lauren Durkan Sum up your main manifesto points in one sentence. Making processes more efficient: making people more aware of what we have on offer, making sure communication around Kukri is better, and making sure people are aware of where their money goes when they’re playing sport. What was your motivation for running? I love Loughborough Sport; I’ve been involved with Loughborough Sport since the beginning of time, since I was a little freshling. As AU…

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Candidates may think they’re reasonably well-known around campus, but we asked some students whether they knew who this year’s candidates were, the results were… well… see below. (All roles are in alphabetical order) Do you know Salomé Doré? Yes: 75%              Who??: 25% Do you know Luke Wheeler? Yes: 37.5%              Who??: 62.5% Do you know Darcey Dunne? Yes: 0%              Who??: 100% Do you know Filip Simić? Yes: 87.5%              Who??: 12.5% Do you know Ana-Maria Bilciu? Yes: 50%…

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Day 1 of the Executive Elections 2019 are upon us, and it all starts here with the Poster dash! Find out more on tonight’s Newsflash. Credits Presenter Alannah Joy Camera Alex Dexter Camera Joshua Gray Camera Christopher Leroux Camera Joshua Thompson Editor Joshua Gray Executive Producer Tim McGovern LSUTV is the award-winning Student Television Station of Loughborough University. Get involved and join our team of volunteers today! Visit our YouTube Channel and follow us on Twitter, @lsutvonline.

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Missed the live reveal? Here’s a summary for you: Image by: Amie Woodyatt 19.15 – From Finding Doré, to Hot Wheels, to Mo-Ana, we’ve got some pretty cool themes this year! 19.13 – Tune in to see some hidden talents! Click here. 19.00 – Here are your candidates: – Action: Pippa Baynham – Enterprise and Employability: Ashleigh Ponder – RAG: Maz Di Felice – Societies: Abby Reynolds – AU Clubs Officer: James Greer, Seb Montero – Welfare and Diversity: Matt Youngs – Education: Ana-Maria Bilciu – Sport: Lauren Durkan, Matt Leonard, Ioan Tolosano, Farid Yusuf – Vice President: Darcey Dunne, Filip Simic -…

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