Author: LSU Media

Weekly Coronavirus cases have increased once again in Loughborough, with 268 more individuals testing positive in Loughborough, and over 900 students self-isolating. 268 positive cases were confirmed last week across Loughborough, of which 111 were located in the Loughborough University area which covers campus accommodation, William Morris Hall and the Old Ashby Road area. This is up from 26 the previous week, and means the Loughborough University area has the 32nd highest number of cases in England. It’s also had the 11th highest week-on week increase in cases nationally. The University has also announced that 191 cases have been detected amongst the student…

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In this piece, Label’s Entertainment editor Sophie Alexander explains what environmental organisations are doing in the fight against global warming, and details some of the small changes we can make in our own lives to combat climate change. As the Antarctic ice sheets melt away and the rise in forest fires continues to burn brightly, the clock is ticking for the welfare of our world. Times Square’s new installation ‘Countdown Clock’ by Gan Golan and Andrew Boyd is showing the world how long it will take to reach our “carbon budget” and that climate change becoming more and more of…

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Volunteer Callum Sayer speaks about the main take-aways (and insults) from the first presidential debate between President Donald Trump and Joe Biden. We are only a few weeks out from the US Presidential elections, and that inevitably means that the debates have started. However, given Trump’s contraction of COVID-19 and subsequent refusal to attend a virtual debate (instead opting for a Town Hall meeting much like Biden), the second debate has been cancelled, leaving the final debate on the 22nd October. But, as I said, we are one debate down and sadly, I have to say that having watched the debate,…

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Ministers want to place universities in England into lockdown for two weeks before Christmas, with students told to remain on campus and all teaching carried out online, the Guardian reports. In the plans, which the Guardian reports is in its early stages, universities would go into lockdown from 8th December until the 22nd December, in which afterwards students would be allowed to return to their homes. The hope is that this limits the spread of COVID-19 between students and local communities in the weeks before millions of students travel home. This follows Boris Johnson’s pledge to “get students home safely…

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The NHS Covid-19 app has been causing some confusion in Loughborough by reporting that LE11 postcodes are subject to both Medium and High Covid alert levels. Starting this morning (Wednesday, 14th Oct) some users of the app with their postcode registered as LE11 began to see messages that stated that the LE11 risk level was High. It was bound to happen… Level risk raised from Medium to High. — Alessandro Palmeri (@rand_vibration) October 14, 2020 This was confirmed to not be the case for the majority of LE11 and LE12 postcodes and the erroneous message had been triggered by…

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Label’s Editor Emily Jackson explores the reactions and responses of President Trump to the COVID-19 pandemic, from his very first steps in January to his hospitalisation and subsequent release after contracting the virus in October. Donald Trump is arguably one of the most controversial Presidents the US has ever had – he is hated by many but has one of the most loyal followings in US political history. Trump and his beliefs are the epitome of conservative however, his beliefs and views on coronavirus have been nothing short of confusing to follow. 21st January – 1 case reported, 0 deaths.…

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Volunteer writer, Annabel Smith, investigates Corona’s effects on live performance. Looking at recent news will show the devastating effect the pandemic has had on the entertainment industry. With Rishi Sunak suggesting musicians, actors and artists should look to changing careers, there is little support or advice being given to struggling creatives. Even Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre which has massive cultural impact and benefits for both the entertainment and tourism sector has been forced to apply for urgent funding to stay afloat. Additionally, the pandemic has wiped out ‘at least £900 million of the £1.1 billion’ which live music specifically would have…

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Label volunteer, Leah Langley, provides a summary and her view of the GRM Daily Rated Awards that took place in September. The GRM Daily Rated Awards took place last month for the first time since 2018, after Rapper Young Spray was stabbed backstage. The awards celebrate the UK’s rap and grime scene and this year they were hosted by Julie Adenuga (presenter) and Mo Gilligan (Comedian). The awards had to take place online due to the current pandemic, but that didn’t stop everyone coming together to celebrate some brilliant achievements. There were also performances from Dizzee Rascal, George The Poet,…

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Volunteer Maciek Anielski outlines the state of affairs regarding Britain’s withdrawal from the EU and what is yet to be decided. We are fast approaching the EU’s end of October trade negotiation deadline and yet there’s still plenty of ground to make up. Brexit news for the last few weeks has been dominated by the UK’s admittance that the Internal Market Bill would ‘break international law in a specific and limited way’. The Government justified their decision, stating that it was prompted by potential bans on GB agri-food products in Northern Ireland should negotiation fail. They are worried that such…

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World Mental Health Day is acknowledged on October 10th every year. The World Federation for Mental Health has declared the theme of World Mental Health Day 2020 as; ‘Mental Health for All.’ Although the day is important every year that it passes by, this year it is considered to be of a higher importance than usual as a result of the months of lockdown and loss that the world has faced. Everyone has experienced lockdown, furlough, or job losses and the world population has been under immense pressure. The consequences of the pandemic are being felt differently by everyone, but…

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