Author: LSU Media
Ben Snowball, member of Lost 2011 winners The Chasing Pack, writes…
Label has canvassed across campus is running its competition to decide who Loughborough’s Sports Personality of the Year is.
Label’s Frances Carson takes a stance over the recent naming of a baby in Israel ‘Like’
The Chasing Pack put in a stunning effort to win Lost in under six hours as RAG raise ��12,000
Loughborough Women’s Cricket Academy have been in excellent form this season as they remain unbeaten
Loughborough Football outplayed the IMS All-Stars beating them 2-0 in the final match ever to be played on Cayley One pitch
Label’s Frances Carson puts a stark attack over the new viral that is making waves across the world changing culture
Loughborough University Football Club have announced that Stuart McLaren has been named as their new Head Coach
IMS Allstars take on a team from Loughborough’s Football Club on May 18
Label Style’s new feature photographing the hottest student fashion trends that are hitting the campus.