Author: LSU Media

Paul Johnston and Ryan Andrews present The Cheese and Onions Show, featuring guests Nina Blisset and Tom Stovell. [button link=”″ color=”default”]More LCR Content[/button][button link=”” color=”default”]More from Cheese and Onions[/button]

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Paul Johnston and Matt Parry present the By-Elections Result Night live from Room 1, plus Matt goes into the mix with some of the biggest dance anthems. [button link=”″ color=”default”]More LCR Content[/button]

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Yesterday Room One was the setting to not just a Hey Ewe, but to yet another Election event, this time the By-Elections result night! You voted in your thousands, 2845 votes were cast to be exact, and between boos from the audience and drinks being thrown at host, and current VP Union Affairs Liam Peoples, your new VP College and Union President were announced. With R.O.N safely out of the running, Bhavik Mandalia was eliminated in the second round of the race for VP College, swiftly followed by Jessica Downs and Jack McShane. This left Ellis Jarvis the last woman…

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Like a bad odour that refuses to leave the room even after you’ve left a window open overnight, Nigel Farage is staying as the leader of the UK Independence Party.

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