Author: LSU Media
Label give you an insight into the differences between Platinum, Gold and Hall Subs actually are. #LSUFreshers15
Join the Loughborough SU Exec team as they take you though what’s going to be the best few weeks of your student careers. This is LSU Freshers 2015. #LSUFreshers15
With Freshers starting in around three weeks time, no doubt many students- to- be are starting to fill with excitement. Read on to find out who’ll be performing this year.
Beatrice Quarshie runs through the heats for the Sing Off. Who will your hall be up against?
Katherine Hardiman talks cooking, washing, waking up and more…
Congratulations on securing your place at Loughborough University! Here’s a quick message from your Loughborough Students’ Union Exec to welcome you to this unique institution. Filmed and edited by Till Sieberth, an LSU Media volunteer. Want to see what to expect in #LSUFreshers15? Click here to see what our new students were greeted with last year! And, for some added excitement, here’s what to expect on August 31st…
Students have ranked Loughborough in the top 5 across the country in the National Student Survey (NSS). 83% of student finalists voted to give the university one of its best rankings to date, with an average score of 91% across 7 categories.
Moving away from home for the first time is not only exciting, but a bit daunting too (who knew you would need so much stuff?!).
It’s results day and you didn’t quite get the grades you needed for your chosen University. What now? One option is to apply for a course through Clearing.