Author: LSU Media

On Tuesday October 27th, LSU Rag will be hosting its first ever zombie run across campus. Think you can make it to the finish line? Join Connor Ryder, and the rest of the survivors by keeping an eye on VP Rag Rachael Lynch’s Facebook page. Video produced by former NaSTA-winning LSU Media member Tom Silcock.

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Better decisions went on tour on Saturday 10th, giving out bacon butties/cobs/rolls (delete as appropriate) to the students living in the golden triangle. Filming and video by Jasmine Jefferies.

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Dick Heath presents the longest running music show on UK student radio, The Alternative Alternative Show. [button link=”” color=”default”]PLAYLIST[/button] [button link=”″ color=”default”]More LCR Content[/button][button link=”” color=”default”]Contact LCR[/button]

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