Author: LSU Media

In a truly historic decision China have decided that all couples will now be allowed to have two children. The highly controversial policy was introduced in 1979 to help ease the countries population increase. Couples who violated the policy were sanctioned. These sanctions could take the form of fines, loss of employment or even forced abortions. The policy has been estimated to have prevented 400 million births over the decades. Some provinces have eased off the policy over the years as China’s ageing population became a concern. Some experts say, however, that many families will probably continue to have just…

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The international community represents a huge portion of the Loughborough University family. Listen to the podcast and and learn about the multicultural society in place through the LSU. Hear first hand accounts about international opportunities, and understand the importance of languages from a variety of international students. Open up your world. [button link=”″ color=”default”]More LCR Content[/button] [button link=”” color=”default”]Contact LCR[/button]

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Next year, Lougborough Rag is cycling from London to Paris for Breast Cancer Now. With an easily manageable fundraising target and a promised great experience- there’s no reason for you to not come with us! Join the group for more information.

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