Label volunteer, Bola Johnson, discusses why TikTok commenters have such an issue with ‘white men with podcasts’.

Commenters on TikTok have turned to the platform to voice their disapproval of “white men with podcasts”. Evidencing, and attacking, some male led podcasts who garner their views and listens by frequently commenting on the lives of women. Personally, I think the attack of these podcasts is utterly legitimate.

The specific “white men with podcasts” in question are the “alpha male” ,white men, who produce podcasts who have aroused indignation on social media; these self-described “woke police” are intent on destroying everything for other (inoffensive) white men with podcasts. They typically use their podcasts to dehumanise women and promote toxic masculinity, pushing men to use aggressiveness to achieve social dominance, based on now-debunked theories about wolfpack hierarchies. Themes that recur frequently include pursuing women forcefully against their will, treating relationships like commercial transactions, and valuing women depending on how appealing they are physically — only to abandon them when they age or acquire weight.

It truly saddens me how many other guys also believe this and would concur with certain alpha-male podcasters who attempt to hold women to an unreachable standard of beauty, such as the notion that “the more a woman becomes pregnant, the more her worth diminishes.”

Women today have greater freedom; the ability to vote, the ability to pursue a profession to support themselves, frequently having the choice to get married or have children. Basically, I’d like to think that women are now in charge of their own lives, hence it honestly baffles me why these podcasters feel their opinions have any significance with regard to how the other gender should lead theirs.

The very fact that this subject is being discussed during international women’s month is rather ironic.

These podcasters fail to acknowledge their privileges and ignorance, especially given that they are already statistically more likely than women in their position to have leadership roles, are less likely to experience sexual assault, and are likely to make more money than their female counterpart. Yet they’re also statistically better off than other ethnic minorities as a white male in any country with a majority-white population in terms of life expectancy, educational attainment, and health outcomes.

With the exposure they have received, one would expect that they would consider their message more carefully when addressing their audiences, particularly the younger ones.

Internet influencers who make a livelihood off the aimless wrath of young guys, such as Andrew Tate or The No Filter podcasters, are a great example of the kind of white men with podcasts who I believe shouldn’t have the platforms they do.

I recall reading an article one day while scrolling through the news about how a teacher in an American middle school had noticed how the male students in her class’s behaviours had changed—and not for the better. She stated this was since Andrew Tate had become more well-known on social media. She had noticed their level of respect for women and their female peers had decreased, to the point where she was becoming increasingly concerned as they began to belittle female classmates.

In addition to being viewed as harmful and dangerous for women in society, these podcasters also influence other males who listen to them. For example, these podcasts are terrible for women because they encourage patriarchal and sexist behaviours, such as the abuse or violence of women. Over time, adding to gender inequality, which deprives women of their rights. The restrictive, stereotypical standards that result from the promotion of such toxic masculinity are detrimental to men’s physical and emotional well-being as well as their relationships with women, other men, and children. In addition, it is also detrimental to men and boys themselves.

Many of these podcasters may claim to be making jokes, but their listeners may be taking everything they say very seriously. Because of this, it’s crucial to be careful about the message you spread on social media.

Much of this is a result of toxic masculinity as well as the typical outmoded patriarchal viewpoints. The wording of the term itself emphasises the worst traits associated with stereotypically male traits, which include antagonism towards women, aggression, domination, emotional incompetence, and sexual entitlement.

Youtuber, Chad Chad has a video up discussing the toxic nature of these white ‘alpha’ men with podcast, and I think it is worth watching.

Edited By: Rachel Cannings (Head of Culture and Entertainment)

Design By: Sarim Mangi (Head of Design)


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