In an email to students, Loughborough University have told students they “should not” return to Loughborough until “mid-February at the earliest.”

This follows the Prime Minister’s announcement on Monday that England will be returning to a full national lockdown.

The University have advised that you should only return to Loughborough before then if you:

  • Have already arranged international travel to the UK,
  • Do not have adequate space/facilities at home to study or undertake examinations,
  • Consider that your mental health would be negatively affected if you remain home,
  • Are part of an elite sport performance pathway.

They also advised that whilst campus will remain open, it will be operating “limited on-site services” and preventing “social mixing” between households.

Students who live in Halls of Residence will be being contacted separately, and the University have confirmed that they will be refunding “accommodation fees for future Semester 1 weeks” where students are unable to return to their accommodation.

In person teaching at Loughborough will not restart until the middle of February for most students “at the earliest”, and exemptions apply to those on PGCE programmes.

The University also announced that Semester 1 examinations and revision lectures which are already scheduled to be online will “go ahead as planned”.

If students are concerned about their access to resources such as “IT hardware, software or an internet connection” for their online assessments then they should email the university as soon as possible.

The University Library and IT rooms will be remaining open for those who do not have appropriate study space at home.

In order to “provide sufficient and appropriate” access to facilities and in person teaching, the university are considering minor changes to when “Semester 2 starts” and that their priorities were to…

  • Ensure students can meet the learning outcomes of their programmes,
  • Maintain standards to that qualifications are a true reflection of students’ abilities.

Loughborough University also outlined the support that’s available for students by calling Student Services on 01509222765 or by emailing [email protected]

A final point was given for those students who are returning to campus to book a Lateral Flow Test before accessing any campus facilities.

“Everyone at the University recognises the position you are in. We shall do our very best, within the law, to provide you with a return to campus and opportunities to continue your studies.”


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