Returning Media volunteer, Meg Jocson Ong, shares what helps her on the journey towards self-love.
We currently live in a world driven by social media and the constant need for other people’s validation. I personally have always taken other people’s thoughts into account whenever I do absolutely anything – whether that’s posting a picture online or picking my outfit. I especially used to care about what they thought of me. I think there is no better way to start my journey towards self-love than the present.
Something must have come across my mind one morning when I decided that I shouldn’t care about what people thought about my appearance, likes, dislikes, and other attributes that define who I am as an individual.
Since then, I have been doing some activities and actions to work on self-love that I believe may help others too on their journey towards self-love.
- Writing
I personally think that writing is a transformational activity.
I found that I have learned more about myself by writing in a journal and place thoughts I could never express out loud (like my love for boxed macaroni and cheese). Kidding aside, I do believe that writing helps you reflect on your daily activities, your friends, and most importantly, yourself. It is also a good place to show gratitude to yourself for the things you are capable to achieve alone! The more I write in my journal the more I noticed the way I act towards certain situations and or issues, allowing me to learn and grow.
- You First!
As selfish as it sounds, you should be putting yourself first. Make the time to practice self-care; have a spa day, taking time off social media, or clean your room. I am sure I’m not the only one who feels like a whole new person after they clean their living space. Self-care also means knowing what is best for you – whether that’s eating healthier, working out, cutting off toxic people, or spending more time with someone else. No one will know you better than you!
- Doing what you love
I think an important step in the journey towards self-love is doing an activity you love. It’s a good practice of mindfulness and feeds the soul. Doing this will make you more passionate and, hopefully, happier.
I’m still on my journey towards self-love. There is always more room for improvement and growth. These tips helped me begin my journey, and I hope they can aid others too.
Featured image by Clara Clok