Last Friday were the annual Hall Committee Awards, which recognises off-coming hall committee members for their hard work from February last year, over Freshers, until February this year.

Label went through all of the awards and listed out the winners for you; want to know which hall took away Committee of the Year? Read on to find out…


Committee Members of the Year

Tess Galunic

Oliver Ellis

Imogen Wynn

Lizzie Winn

Stash Rep of the Year

Selina Jones (winner)

Lewis Johnson (highly commended)

Treasurer of the Year

Emily Hook (winner)

Natalie Doyle (highly commended)

Social Sec of the Year

Anna Cooper andĀ Bethan JonesĀ (winners)

Bez Besi & Meg Harris (highly commended)

Vice Chair of the Year

Alexander Keys and Natalie Doyle

HSF Section Rep of the Year

Chris Leroux (winner)

Farhannah Badruzaman (highly commended)

Hall Chair of the Year

Luke Wheeler (winner)

Abi York (highly commended)

Freshers Committee of the Year

Robert Bakewell (winner)

Hazlerigg-Rutland (highly commended)

Committee of the Year

Falkner-Eggington (winner)

Hazlerigg-Rutland (highly commended)


Congrats to all of the winners, nominees, and everyone involved in Halls this year. Every hall has done an incredible job and left big shoes for their on-coming committee to fill!


Featured image by: Omeiza Haruna


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