LSU Stage Society’s most recent show, directed by second year English and Drama student Emma Gilby, is a visually bold and narratively intriguing performance. With strong performances from all four-cast members, Love Song is a show that is definitely worth seeing.

Written by Abi Morgan, Love Song explores the relationship between a young couple, Bill and Maggie, from their mid-twenties to old age, exploring issues faced in relationships and how decisions made when you were younger can impact you in older life. Told through a non-linear narrative and impressive physically choreographed movement, the show explores the themes of love, loss, trust and self-discovery, something Gilby hoped would “speak to every member of the audience”.

The intimate venue of Fearon Hall, coupled with the use of music, helped to add to the emotional intensity of the nights performance.  Gilby told Label Online, that “every cast and creative member has contributed to the overall piece” and this could be clearly seen in the honest portrayals given by the actors, Charlotte Forster, Yannick Budd, Rosie Hague and Simon Butler, who all connected with their characters deeply, in order to be able to perform tough and emotionally demanding scenes.

“We’re so glad to be putting something on the society has never explored before and are so excited to see everyone’s reactions…if also a little nervous!”, and Gilby has no need to be nervous, as the premiered performance was slick, well rehearsed and emotionally charged.

Love Song is running for two more nights (23rd and 24th of May, 7:30, Fearon Hall) Tickets are available by emailing by [email protected] to reserve, and cost £5 for NUS card holders and £7 without.

Louise Burt


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