Gemma Gould was the winner of Label’s fourth monthly Illustration Competition, run by the Illustration section of Label magazine. Each month sees a different theme, which artists must base a piece of artwork around. Entries are then displayed online and are voted for by other students. The theme of ‘Christmas’ was an obvious choice being December time, but the illustrations produced were all very imaginative and some of the best yet.

Read below to find out more about the winning artist;

Name: Gemma Gould

Course: 3rd Year Illustration (Vis Com)

Favourite material/medium to work with: Printmaking, especially Linocut. I also have a fondness for working digitally, often mixing this with my print work.

Idea for Christmas piece: I wanted to create a stylized decorative image mixing modern and ‘vintage’ design elements, without the usual themes of presents, glittery baubles and Santa. Christmas always makes me think of the snowy north and a sense of magic and wonder so I aimed to capture this in my illustration.

Potential career choice: Narrative or Editorial illustration

Links to Website/Social Media: Please visit my blog at to see more of my work.

A note from Gemma: I enjoy doodling quirky geometric characters with a lot of personality and a pinch of dark humour. Mythological and natural themes tend to be a constant in my work. If you’d like to contact me for work or just to ask a question, email me at [email protected]


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