Now that December is finally here, it really is winter. For anyone not in Halls, this recipe for a filling chicken and vegetable soup is definitely for you.

1. In a deep saucepan braise the skinned and boned chicken (6-pack is £3 on offer in Sainsbury's at the moment) for a few minutes.

2. Add 3-4 leeks (half-price pack in Sainsbury's at the moment), 1-2 red/green peppers, a few carrots, some broccoli with trimmed stems and 2 or 3 potatoes cut in one inch pieces, and braise for 5-10 mins, scraping and mixing to prevent sticking.

3. Add water to cover with lots of fresh coriander (60p packet on offer in Sainsbury's at the moment), a tablespoon of smoked paprika powder, 2 tablespoons of vinegar, 2 tablespoons of Vegeta or Marigold seasoning, and freshly ground black pepper if you have any. 4. Simmer, adding water to maintain cover, for about 45 mins. 5. Eat alone, with wholemeal bread or pasta, or if you have just been for a run and it's cold outside, with chunks of cheap Brie thrown into the hot bowl.

Note – you can actually make this without any oil at all, just add a bit of water every so often and be more vigilant in scraping and mixing.

Michaela Knespl


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