The third Union Council of the year took place on Thursday November 24. Label Online were present to provide comprehensive live commentary of a union council.

Have you got a comment or opinion on any of the issues raised by Union Council? Get in contact by tweeting @labelonline or emailing [email protected].

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20:12 – And they thought it was all over at about 19:33, and I can confirm that it is now. Date of next meeting to be confirmed. Thanks for joining us tonight on a very short union council tonight. Keep tweeting your thoughts to @labelonline and look out for a full report tonight's events in Label Magazine, Issue Six will be out December 2.

20:11 – Just a quick reminder, that no official decisions can be made tonight. See 19:33.

20:10 – In an attempt to prevent a repeat of today's problems, the councillors who have stayed are discussing whether the five working day rule is necessary – should it be constitutionally binding?

20:08 – Tonight's chat has moved onto whether there is a way to prevent, or at least, reduce the "popularity content" feeling about elections. One of the union councillors who left the meeting when it was confirmed the meeting was unconstitutional, Matt Peat has tweeted:

"well that was a massive waste of time #unioncouncil @labelonline"

20:02 – Ali Partridge has tweeted us too:

"@BenCCroucher @labelonline I'm so confused"

I know the feeling Ali…

20:00 – Pete opens the discussion up to councillors to offer their views on elections. Meanwhile Ben Croucher informs us on twitter that a similar situation to tonight's unconstitutional meeting has happened before:

"@labelonline Exactly the same thing happened in May. Scrapped meeting and held it a week later. Just gonna be repeating themselves otherwise"

19:59 – The discussion on elections and NUS representatives continues, when is the best time to have the elections and how long should they last?

19:57 – Daniel Saunders joining the debate on twitter:

"Why were minutes from last weeks meeting agreed when it's been established that it's merely a 'gathering of students'?"

19:55 – James Spokoini has tweeted @labelonline:

"@labelonline @vpdemocracylsu now that seems a waste of time… Although, I suppose all those left are the ones who don't mind! #heartofunion"

19:53 – What is the best way to have a free and fair election? Is it to give candidates as much time as possible or is a two week period out of lectures too much? 

19:53 – What is the best way to have a free and fair election? Is it to give candidates as much time as possible or is a two week period out of lectures too much? 

19:50 – Pete has moved onto a second motion about the dates and length of the election period. Is it too long or too short? Tweet us your opinions. 

19:48 – A vote sees the majority of councillors agree with Pete, however, we must remember the vote means very little due to the issues outlined at 19:33.

19:47 – Pete Childs, VP Democracy and Communications, is outlining his constitutional motion about exec reporting. As Union Council's job is to hold the exec to account, Pete wants to extend the length of report from one minute to two and remove the limit on the length of questioning.

19:45 – Back to the meeting, and six councillors and two Exec seem to agree with James Goldburn and decided to leave the meeting. Eight councillors remain.

19:42 – On a slight aside, Label tweeted the following earlier today:

@labelonline Label Online: BREAKING NEWS: Label source within union council accuses Chair of "lying" and says they are looking into possible vote of no confidence.

19:40 – Councillor James Goldburn questions whether the unconstitutional meeting is a waste of time. 

19:38 – James, who is Chair of Council, proposing the discussions on tonight's agenda take place anyway but there will be no voting. It is now a meeting of students as opposed to council.

19:37 – James Carroll has got the meeting underway, no issues with the minutes from the meeting last week. James continues with an apology, and takes full responsibility for not having the papers online in time.

19:34 – Not sure at the moment, how many councillors will be aware of the current issues surrounding tonight's meeting. Plenty of empty seats in council chambers tonight.

19:33 – So, this afternoon, Label Online exclusively revealed that due to the agenda and tonight's papers not being made available on in time (constitutionally they must be up five working days before a meeting) and hence tonight's meeting is unconstitutional.

19:31 – No sign of a prompt start, so we've got time to update you on this afternoon's developments. Don't forget share your opinions on @labelonline.

19:28 – Evening everyone. It's been quite a busy afternoon on the twitter-sphere regarding tonight's union council. If you haven't heard all the latest news and informtion, you're in the right place.


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