Author: LSU Media

Immie Wigfield gives her tips on mindfulness to help combat the stress of this time of year; and suggests healthy habits that you can integrate into your day-to-day Even if you don’t want to believe it, the end of the first term is approaching! And that means Christmas is coming. Whether you love it or you’re more of a Grinch, the fact that Christmas is coming up – and fast – is unnerving. Counting down the days with opening a cardboard square and receiving a small bite of chocolate, some big questions start to become heavy on your mind. What…

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Izzie Naish looks at the resurfacing of the 90s phenomenon, ‘heroin chic’, challenging whether the aesthetic ever really left, and how the female body becomes caught up in this capitalist cycle of body trends. Heroin Chic and the Marketability of the Female Body Most women are familiar with Kate Moss’ infamous quote: ‘Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.’ Originally dubbed as one of her ‘mantras’, the supermodel has since expressed regret for its damaging implications in light of the modelling and fashion industries becoming more diverse. So, with the body positivity movement continuing to gain traction and the trend’s…

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The Cost of Living crisis is affecting everyone in the UK; unfortunately, students are among those the most affected. Laura gives her money-saving strategies to help students out! With the cost of living rising every week, what can students living off or on campus do to reduce their spending? Living alone for the first time can be daunting when it comes to spending; it is unlikely that you can accurately calculate where your money goes and how much you are spending. It is vital to keep track of your expenses. This article will give tips on reducing your spending, especially…

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Volunteer Label writer Immie Wigfield offers her thoughts on Loughborough Stage Society’s compelling performance of Laura Lundgren Smith’s Dark Road. People began arriving at 7pm. You could see the nerves on the parents faces as they carried bunches of flowers whilst scrabbling around for their tickets and wondering where the email was sent to. The pressure was on… Dark Road explores the complexity of power, good and evil and the betrayal of sisters.Greta, a young girl growing up in Nazi Germany, sees the opportunity to find her place in the world and support her sister Lise when she learns that…

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Jasmine Trapnell gives her top tips for staying safe at night now that it’s getting dark so early! Many of us have experienced a nervous walk home, by ourselves, in the dark. With it getting dark as early as 4pm now, it is common to feel apprehensive about having to walk somewhere alone. It is not a victim’s fault if they are attacked, stalked, or made to feel uncomfortable – but this article will provide some tips on how you can keep yourself and your friends safer. My first piece of advice – which may seem obvious – is to…

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Laura Núñez gives her top tips for healthy and blemish-free skin. She provides a routine we can all follow to meet our skin goals. As I have grown older, I’ve realised skin care is a pleasant daily activity that can help to get me up from bed and have better hygiene. It allows for some relaxing time alone and improves your intrapersonal relationship with yourself. It enables you to have a daily goal and even a new hobby, as you can learn a lot from it and get excited when shopping for new products. If you are starting skincare before…

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Label Volunteer Laura Gray Núñez reflects on the importance of November being Men’s Health Awareness Month. November is Men’s Health Awareness Month, and highlights the range of issues men face, whether it be physical or mental struggles. This month is vital to shed light on the concerns of men within society who have a tendency to be reluctant in coming forward for help and support. In terms of physical disease, prostate cancer and testicular cancer only affect men, therefore it is important to know what to look for when addressing a potential issue, especially with men being less likely to…

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Label volunteer writer, Lorenzo Lo Vaglio, talks us through what exactly ‘greenwashing’ is and why it’s such a big problem. Anyone remotely interested in what is happening in the world will have heard the word greenwashing by now. But what is it all about? Formally, greenwashing could be defined as ‘Making false, misleading, unsubstantiated, or otherwise incomplete claims about the sustainability of a product, service, or business operation’. In itself, this definition is vague at the very best. An example is the case of H&M. The Swedish brand was sued in a Missouri court over their range of ‘Conscious Choice’…

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What is there to discover outside bars and clubs in Loughborough town? George Reed talks about the hidden gems he found in and around Loughborough town. From FREE historical museum exhibits to parks surrounding the university, George discusses the rich history he stumbled across. You’re probably familiar with the Loughborough campus: whether it be the photogenic fountain, the lovely beanbags in the LSU building, or fish (or vegan sausages) and chips available on Friday! I was challenged to explore further afield and discover what gems lie in Loughborough town. Charnwood Museum in Queen’s Park does a brilliant job of compacting…

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Rebecca Pearson explores the role of dystopian fiction in contemporary society, exploring whether it is becoming a little too close for comfort to our current realities. Once upon a time, dystopian fiction was the genre that readers sought after to escape from their present reality. Quite literally forming a speculative vision of the future, dystopian literature depicts societies in decline, imaginary places where Government oppression is pervasive, technology controls human minds, and a mysterious virus has run rampant across the globe… Huh? Dystopian literature is a compelling genre, that is, until it impinges on our ability to separate its imagined…

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