Author: LSU Media

Loughborough researchers have identified a ‘non-invasive’ breath test that provides instant COVID-19 results alongside the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh and Germany’s Klinikum Dortumnd Hospital. First demonstrated by a team at G.A.S.Gmbh on their TOXI-Triage project, ‘breath signatures’ can be used to identify COVID-19 from other respiratory conditions. 98 patients took part in the testing, where Gas Chromatography was used to separate and diagnose the 31 patients who had COVID. The patients only gave a ‘single breath-sample’ which identified aldehydes, ketones and methanol that ‘discriminated COVID-19 from other conditions.’ Paul Thomas, Professor of Analytical Science from the Department of Chemistry, said…

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As it is Black History Month, I would like to commemorate and share the importance of the Windrush Generation. A generation which not only helped Britain in a time of need but, a generation that were wrongly mistreated due to the broken and unequal system of the immigration system in place today. Who are the Windrush Generation? Many people from Jamaica, Trinidad, Tobago and other Caribbean countries were brought to the UK to fill the post-war labour shortages in the UK. This event was mainly characterised by the arrival of the ship named the MV Empire Windrush, which docked on…

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Let’s celebrate the current music careers of two of the UK’s most successful artists right now: Stormzy and Dave. Both artists can be considered inspirations within UK black culture, with their performances and projects over the last few years evidencing this. Stormzy’s Glastonbury 2019 set was historic. Not just for his incredible performance but, that he was the first black British solo artist to headline at the festival. His set gave me goose bumps throughout! I was flabbergasted to hear in an interview on The Jonathan Ross Show that he had major problems with his audio early-on in the…

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As part of Label’s Black History Month celebrations, I decided to slide into the DMs of Loughborough-based athlete and singer Jazmin Sawyers. Jazmin is not only a talented and inspirational individual but also a genuine voice of empowerment and change. I’m happy to say that she did in fact reply and below you will find our interview. It details a bit about Jazmin’s life and explores some important issues that continue to pervade our society. It’s great to have you Jazmin – for our readers that don’t already know who you are, tell us a bit about your multi-talented self……

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Label Volunteer Ishaq Adams gives his thoughts on the COVID-19 Test and Trace system and its success (or otherwise) Covid-19, also known as the disease that changed all our lives, came as a surprise to us all. Although this new strain of the novel Coronavirus was already circulating in late 2019, it was in early-to-mid 2020 that our lives were impacted. On the 16th March 2020 Matt Hancock, the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care since 2018, announced all unnecessary social contact should cease. Following this, on the 23rd March 2020 Boris Johnson announced that people had to…

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Leader of Charnwood Borough Council, Jonathan Morgan, has confirmed that the Council will be ‘reviewing the borough’s medium risk tier’ this coming week. 863 new cases of Coronavirus have been reported by the Government in Charnwood over the last 7 days, with 105 of those reported on Sunday. The news comes on the same day that the University area was announced as having the second-highest number of cases in the entirety of England. The Charnwood case count equates to 353 cases per 100,000 people – far above the national average of 201. One person has died from COVID-19 in Charnwood in…

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Over the past week, news of what is happening in Nigeria is coming to the forefront of the mainstream media. Here is a rundown of what the #EndSARS campaign represents and why it is so important to talk about it. TW – talks of violence and murder. What is going on in Nigeria? Around two weeks ago, a video circulated on social media showing a man being beaten by officers from the Nigerian authorities. Because of this video, there have been calls for the SARS (Special Anti-Robbery Squad) police unit in Nigeria, a unit created to help and protect civilians…

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Label volunteer, Jonah Loughlin, reflects upon Kanye West’s album, Jesus Is King, prior to its one-year anniversary of being released tomorrow. Since The Life of Pablo (or arguably as early as Yeezus), Kanye has cultivated an aura of spontaneity around his music. TLOP’s post-release patches and ye’s last-minute changes serve as interesting lore for keen fans. With these projects, listeners eventually received polished works that provide the unique sonics and direction that only Kanye can bring to music. This isn’t the case with Jesus Is King as Kanye pushes the aesthetic of spontaneity too far and the album suffers for…

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Chair of Green Pea, Rhea Uppal, gives us some tips on how to have a more eco-friendly Halloween. Halloween has been celebrated for over 50 years in the UK – for us University students, it is often an excuse to dress up and have a fun night with our friends! With this in mind, there are simple changes which you can make in order to celebrate a ‘greener’ Halloween and we have the simple tricks (or treats) on how to do this! COSTUMES Many of us are guilty of planning our Halloween costumes months in advance, no matter if we…

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In my first President’s blog, I wrote about the importance of maintaining a sense of community at Loughborough, despite the circumstances. This is something that LSU has a big role in facilitating, now more than ever. The range of activities we provide, together with our reputation for being one of the largest entertainment venues in the East Midlands, meant we entered Freshers with a degree of trepidation. Gone were the days when we could measure success on the number of people we could get in our venue each night. Instead, we had to adapt our commercial model to ensure we…

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