Author: LSU Media

Rachael Milsom With Halloween creeping upon us, many of you may be wondering how Loughborough students mark the occasion. It’s no longer (and hasn’t been for quite some time) acceptable to throw on a costume, grab your plastic pumpkin bucket and knock on doors screaming ‘trick or treat!’ in your best scary voice. Instead we embrace the 31st October by decorating our flat to reflect the spooky mood, wearing the scariest (or the funniest) costumes we can think of and, obviously, partying. But, let’s face it, most students don’t have an endless money supply. How many of us have already…

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By Amelia Sansome The feeling of being a fresher is one like no other, yet the experience is nothing anyone can prepare you for. For some, Fresher’s fortnight is a haze of new faces, exciting activities and the musky smell of cheap booze to assist your roll into bed (or on the floor) at 4am. For many, starting university can be daunting. Fighting your way through a maze of halls, sports courts and stumbling in and out of various confused conversations before strolling into your introductory lecture; trying to keep your cool without unattractively gasping for air as if your heart…

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