Author: LSU Media

Amy Irving Presentations are scary, but necessary things. If you were not born with a natural wealth of public speaking confidence, the chances are that you might be feeling a bit down by the fact that yes, your class presentation is worth 20% of your grade. Here are some tips to see you through these rough times. Planning It’s all well and good getting panicked about the actual day – the big P Day. But what about your presentation itself? Put some effort into doing the research and creating something you’re proud of. It may not be something you’re necessarily…

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For Loughborough Women’s first eleven February 25th was to be an important stepping-stone towards reaching the BUCS knock out cup final. This was the day of the quarterfinal match against Bristol. Pushback was at 3pm on the Loughborough water base. Grey skies with sunny patches and not too low temperatures made ideal playing conditions and encouraged a good crowd of spectators to come and support. The morning had seen the team eat breakfast together, reminiscent of the year before when they had similarly met Bristol at the quarterfinal stage. Last year Loughborough had won 5-2, but this did not change…

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Natalie Monaghan  As children we received chain mail in the letter form, but technology developed and as teenagers we received chain mail through our ridiculously named Hotmail accounts and Nokia bricks. At first chain mail was exciting. You were intrigued and believed that you would meet the love of your life in the future if you forwarded the message to ten friends. Even when you were getting slightly older and had developed enough sense to recognise the ridiculous nature of chain mail, you still considered sending the message in order to prevent any doubt about receiving a horrible punishment. So…

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Gymnastics is a sport that can only really inspire awe in the talent of the individuals who perform it. Today Label Sport take a look back to the Men’s Gymnastics Trials that took place in November, these trials were to assess who would become the National Teams for this year of competitions. Daniel Connoly was there to tell us all about it.  When we think of gymnastics, we think of the Olympic games. We think of Louis Smith. We think of an amazing sport which many people would argue surpasses our biomechanical capacities. However, it is a sport that is…

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Beatrice Quarshie It’s that time of the year again. No, unfortunately not Christmas. HUSTINGS! Also known as a week of crazy campaigning by some very zealous and extremely excitable individuals who are adamant to get onto Hall Committee. **Warning: eyebrows might be lost over the course of this period** The Hall Committee swap over is bound to cause more of a stir than the parliamentary cabinet reshuffle. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, then shame on you. Now we all know those people who made Freshers the best seventeen days of most of our lives to date,…

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Last night saw all the months of planning, days of campaigning and sleepless nights come down to the all important moment: Results Night. The atmosphere in Room 1 was incredible, with campaign teams out in force to support their friends who have worked so hard to be elected by the student body to hold VP Executive roles. With 7752 votes cast-the most that have ever been had in a Loughborough Students Union Election-all who campaigned must be proud that they were part of this achievement, and were able to garner so much interest from students in this years Exec Elections.…

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