Author: LSU Media

Ever wondered what the Executive Team get up to? In this first of a series of shows Kushal hosts a conversation with 4 members of the team: President, Jess; VP Welfare & Diversity, Gemma; VP Finance & Commercial Services, James; Community DO, Joe. On this show many questions are answered such as the status of the Bill Mo Common Room, upcoming Welfare & Diversity campaigns plus much more!

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On the 16th of April, The Student Wordsmith will be holding their Awards Night to celebrate their student contributors. Founded by Loughborough’s own PhD students, The Student Wordsmith is a publishing platform which opens huge opportunities for budding student writers for those interested in the industry. Nominees for the awards are students who have written for The Student Wordsmith. Not only will there be a huge celebration for dedicated contributors and the success of the publication itself, but the night will be an invaluable networking opportunity for students. Whether you’re passionate about creative writing or publishing, or want to go…

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Christmas, a time to relax with family, catch up with friends, eat ’til your heart’s content and not worry about anything… Unless you’re a student, and then it’s three weeks of trying to balance exam revision with the hectic-ness of Christmas time. But don’t fret, it doesn’t have to be stressful, it’s actually quite easy to balance Christmas responsibilities and university responsibilities – honestly. Whilst, yes, it is all too easy to use the excuse of ‘hey it’s Christmas’ to do nothing but lie on the sofa eating Quality Street’, January exams are really important – it’s vital that you…

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