Author: LSU Media

Label sat down with your candidates for the role of President in the 2021 Exec Elections! Freya Mason What are the main points of your manifesto? My first point is maintaining both old and new traditions as we come out of Covid. For me that is quite important, I’m only a second year but I obviously saw things like the Sing Off, and things which were incredibly important around that time. I think new things like some virtual events have done really well and it gives people who are quite shy a chance to really broadcast themselves. I also think…

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Label sat down with your candidates for Vice President for the 2021 Exec Elections! Leon Dixon What are the main points of your manifesto? My points are: I want increased correspondence between the VP and HSF, greater welfare access for the student body and reinvigorated democracy to champion student opinions. What previous experience do you have which is important to the role? I spent two years on the Harry French Committee, I am in my second year now. I came on as an Action Rep in my first year and then also in my first year I became the Hall…

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Tune in at 6pm this evening for the our final elections:live show of this year’s elections! We’ll be discussing what’s happened so far in the campaign, debriefing the soapbox and chatting to the candidates for the Societies & President positions; Seth Johnson, Freya Mason and Gabriel Ortiz Vieira! #LSUElections LSUTV is the award-winning Student Television Station for Loughborough University, and part of LSU Media. Get involved and join our team of volunteers today! Visit our website at and follow us on Twitter, @lsutvonline.

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Label sat down with your Welfare & Diversity candidates for the 2021 Exec Elections! Alex Marlowe What are the main points of your manifesto? I am running on three points predominantly to try and be succinct and precise with what I would like to commit to. The first one is to create an LSU equity, diversity and inclusion strategy, which I suggest is made for the next five years to allow us to be ambitious with our equity, diversity and inclusion work. But, to also be realistic but be structured and allow for long term vision which we often miss…

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Label sat down with your Societies Chair candidate for the 2021 Exec Election! Seth Johnson What are the main points of your manifesto? The main poins of my manifesto is that I want to go big or go home for Freshers and Refreshers. Abby started work on creating a bigger Refreshers period for us last year however, due to Covid we have not been able to work on that. But with Covid, it gives us an even better chance for us to open up our Freshers and Refreshers events and give societies that space to really jump back and show…

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Tune in at 6pm this evening for the our third elections:live show of this year’s elections! We’ll be discussing what’s happened so far in the campaign, debriefing the soapbox and chatting to the candidates for the Education & Action positions; Eleanor Bishop, Thomas Young and Jodie Evans! #LSUElections LSUTV is the award-winning Student Television Station for Loughborough University, and part of LSU Media. Get involved and join our team of volunteers today! Visit our website at and follow us on Twitter, @lsutvonline.

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Tune in at 6pm this evening for the our fourth elections:live show of this year’s elections! We’ll be discussing what’s happened so far in the campaign, debriefing the soapbox and chatting to the candidates for the Rag & Vice President positions; Hettie Bawden, Leon Dixon and Charlotte Style! #LSUElections LSUTV is the award-winning Student Television Station for Loughborough University, and part of LSU Media. Get involved and join our team of volunteers today! Visit our website at and follow us on Twitter, @lsutvonline.

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Label spoke to your Action Chair candidate for the 2021 Exec Elections! Jodie Evans What are the main points of your manifesto? I want to bring the good points we’ve managed to do whilst we have been in the pandemic and incorporate them into the best things about Action before the pandemic. What previous experience do you have which is important to the role? I have been in the role for the past year. Prior to that I had been in the Action Committee for the past two years; firstly as the Collaborations Officer and then secondly as the Departments Coordinator.…

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Label sat down with your Rag Chair candidate for the 2021 Exec Elections! Hettie Bawden What are the main points of your manifesto? My manifesto can be summarised in three words: students, charity and strategy. Within that, for students it is to increase accessible fundraising opportunities to a wide range demographic by collecting feedback from them. This is to improve communication and support to student fundraising groups and individuals that are perhaps not currently connected to the current structure of Rag. For charity, I will increase the efficiency of internally organised external events such as our international trips and national…

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