Charlotte Tripp, final year psychology student and rugby union player, is one of the students running for the Sport Executive Officer role. Tripp’s manifesto points detail how she wants to provide: efficient mental health support, encourage participation, and enhance communication of opportunities.

Through-out her time at Loughborough, Tripp has fully emersed herself in university life. Taking on a vast and immense number of roles including just this year: AU Welfare and Diversity Officer 2023-2024, Action Committee Inclusivity Officer 2023-2024, and Student Ambassador 2023-2024. Tripp also completed her placement year at University of Cambridge as a research assistant focussing on children’s mental health.

It is evident from Tripp’s experience that mental health is something she is very passionate about, something that is very important for anyone working in a university setting.

Aside from her volunteering, Tripp has also been busy engaging with sport at Loughborough. She took up playing rugby union “which has been an incredible experience, especially during a huge growth period in women’s sport” Tripp expressed. Alongside playing rugby union, Tripp has ran a half-marathon every year since joining Loughborough – raising over £3000 so far, with two more planned for this year.

Tripp stated how her various “roles have enabled me to represent and champion student voice, whilst gaining experience working within a range of teams, and demonstrating my passion and drive to make a positive impact!

“My AU Executive roles have also given me an insight into the inner workings of sport at Loughborough, which would be beneficial if I were to get the role of Sport Executive Officer.”


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