Author: Jasmine Trapnell

Following the Palestine rally yesterday on campus, I spoke with two of the organisers from Loughborough Action for Palestine in an exclusive interview. They described their passion for educating others, humanising Palestinians, and standing up to Loughborough University for what they believe is right. I first spoke to Organiser A, who is in their final year of studying Politics and International Relations. Q: “Why is it important for you as an organiser to organise this kind of thing and encourage other students to come down?” A: “It’s very important to me not as an organiser, more as a human being…

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On Friday 31st May 2024, the pro Palestine rally will return to Loughborough University’s campus yet again. The rally will take place from 3-6pm by the Hazlerigg Fountain. Organisers (@lboroactionforpalestine on Instagram) described that they are “horrified by this massacre and Loughborough University’s refusal to call for a ceasefire”, and they condemn Loughborough University’s complicity. This comes after the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruled on the 24th May that Israel should “immediately halt its military offensive, and any other action in the Rafah Governorate, which may inflict on the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that could bring…

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On 23d May in the evening, witnesses saw a man dressed in all black wielding a knife along Forrest Road. There have also been reports of a stabbing – however this is not yet confirmed by the police. Witnesses also saw someone being taken into police custody later in the evening – although it is not confirmed whether this is the same man. If any more information becomes available we will update readers ASAP. Please see below for images sent in to us from various social media sources.

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The highly coveted LSU Media awards are just two days away – those nominated are eagerly awaiting to see if they can take home the win. Tickets for this years’ awards are free, but must be booked through the LSU app or website to secure a place. We highly recommend all nominees attend, as you never know who may win! Feel free to bring friends along with you, even if they are not part of LSU Media themselves. We hope to see many of you for our starlight soiree on Wednesday 22nd May. With eighteen categories there are a lot…

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Outside the students union on Loughborough University’s midlands campus there is a Pro Palestine Rally – but what are they fighting for? Today marks 76 years since The Nakba or The Catastrophe where Israel took Palestinian land through ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. Seven decades later Palestinian people are being bombed daily in what many are calling genocide. The organisers of the Pro Palestine Rally, Loughborough Action for Palestine, claims to have found several University partnered organisations guilty of complicity with Israel. The following was listed in their distributed material. “JCB manufactures military bulldozers used by the IDF to bulldoze Palestinian…

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If you are a man reading this you may question why being honked at by men in a van even matters – you might even think that the person being honked at should just move on with their day as it is not a big deal. Women reading this can probably think back to a time they have been honked at or catcalled and recall how vulnerable it makes you feel. But why write this now? Well the other day I was honked at by three men in a van. I was actually walking home from a Label Committee meeting,…

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Students at a variety of colleges in the United States are calling upon their institution to divest from companies with ties to Israel. Colombia, Michigan, Rice, Yale, Ohio State, Princeton, MIT, and Stamford University have all had students taking action in support of Palestine on campus. Students at Colombia set up a “Gaza Solidarity Encampment” on 17th April – however the university President said students violated campus rules so she called the police, which lead to over 100 student arrests. At the University of Texas, State Troopers were called in, clashing with students peacefully protesting. Whilst at Emory University a…

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Loughborough AU Boxing are hosting a home show on 11th May 2024, here on campus in the Netball Centre. Following success at BUCS in February, AU Boxing are eager to put on a show and dominate in the ring. Boxers from universities across the country will travel to Loughborough for the chance to battle one of our very own. With Leeds, Sheffield, and Bristol all confirmed to be attending, there are going to be some tough bouts. Tickets for adults start at £10 for a standing balcony view, and £15 for seated. The event will run through-out the day and…

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Drake Bell, Amanda Bynes, Ariana Grande, and Jeanette McCurdy – four child stars that worked at Nickelodeon. But at what cost. This docuseries investigates some of abuse that child stars endured at Nickelodeon in the late 90’s and early 2000’s. From inappropriate sexual humour on screen, to sexual abuse behind closed doors. Several child stars feature in the series, opening up about their personal experiences on and off set. Coming to the UK on Discovery+ Monday 25th March. It is a hard series to watch, making viewers question what they naively watched in their childhood. But is necessary to opening…

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Loughborough Alumna, Alice Reeves-Turner, is part of the team at Sky Sports that have launched Sky Sports’ new series Real Talk. As assistant producer, Reeves-Turner travelled across the country, assisting with interviewing athletes on a range of topics that are usually ignored by the media. This project was in the works for a long time and Reeves-Turner describes it as a career highlight. She describes how the series “explores and celebrates health and well-being topics experienced by athletes. “The mission of the series is to reduce the stigma and educate on topics often overlooked by the media.” The first episode,…

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