Loughborough London students have received a letter from the Dean Tony Edwards and Operations Director Chris Euden, specifying information for the Semester 2 return.

Loughborough campus students received a message from the University yesterday about Semester 2 plans, but the satellite campus in London faces slightly different measures. As no courses in London meet the threshold for in-person delivery, it is likely teaching will “remain online until Easter.”

Even if teaching can return to in-person delivery, all content will be available online throughout the semester. This will be of huge benefit to those students who had doubts about studying in London and have chosen to remain fully virtual during the pandemic.

The campus building will remain open 0930 – 1800 Monday to Friday, though there are limited seats. Students can book a space through the Connect 2 booking system.

The University will also be offering asymptomatic testing on Mondays and Wednesdays between 1000 – 1400. This is highly encouraged for those who wish to continue to utilise the building. No booking is required, and students can access the tests on the fourth floor.

It is likely that further details and guidance will come out after the government have once again reviewed the national lockdown in mid-February.

This update will inevitably come as unsurprising news to London students, with the new strain having wreaked havoc across the city.

The letter also prompts students to seek support through the Welfare and Student Services teams if they feel they need it. Welfare can be reached at [email protected] and Student Services at [email protected]

Meetings will be held with the senior leadership team, and student representatives, over the next couples of weeks. If any developments are discussed and can be implemented, students will be advised.

Around 90% of London students are international – for those returning to London, Student Services are available to help answer questions, especially regarding tests and quarantine.

The government is still currently advising that unless students do not have adequate access to materials and services (such as wifi or IT programmes), they remain where they are. If you do need to travel, please stay safe and as above, contact Student Services with any questions.


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