Loughborough Students’ Union has announced that the Union Shop, among other facilities, will remain open during the lockdown period.

This is following the announcement by the Government on Sunday that England will be returning to a lockdown from Thursday until the 2nd December.

As part of the new restrictions, licensed facilities (pubs, restaurants etc.) will have to close and the Socially Distanced Social Club will be cancelled until further notice. LSU have updated their opening times of their various outlets:

Union Shops and Facilities

The Union Building Shop and Purple Onion Shop will remain open with slightly reduced opening hours.

Union Building Shop: Monday-Friday (9.00am-6.00pm) and weekends (12.00pm – 4.00pm).

The Purple Onion: Monday-Friday (11.00am-8.00pm) and Weekends (11.00am-9.00pm).

The College Shop: Monday-Friday (10.00am-2.00pm)

The Art Shop: Monday-Friday (10.00am-2.00pm)

The Stash Shop: Closed until further notice. However, a range of university-branding clothing will be available within The Union Building Shop.

The Daily Grind: Monday – Friday (8.30am – 2.00pm)

Munch: Closed until further notice.

Reception: Will operate under reduced hours, 5 days a week (10.00am – 2.00pm)

Cognito will be opened as a “study space” for individual study.

These announcements follow an exemption to lockdown for both educational facilities and essential shops.

Student Activities

Each Student Activity Section will “cease” all “face-to-face” activity

Societies: All student groups have been asked to move to a 100% virtual delivery of events and meetings.
Contact details: [email protected] | @LSU_Societies

Sport: All non-elite sport has been suspended, including within the Athletic Union. For a full statement from the AU please refer to their dedicated channels.
Contact details: [email protected] or [email protected] | @LSU_Sport and @LboroAU

Action: The vast majority of Action Projects will cease to be delivered in-person, with the exception of our Soup Kitchen project and A and D-teams. These will continue with additional COVID-secure measures in place.
Contact details: [email protected] | @LSU_Action

Rag: Will transition to a 100% virtual delivery.
Contact details: [email protected] | @LSU_Rag

Media: Will transition to a 100% virtual delivery where possible.
Contact details: [email protected] | @LSUMedia

Enterprise: Will continue with the 100% digital programme it has already been delivering. This includes hackathons, workshops and 1-1 virtual advice sessions with our team in Enterprise.
Contact details: [email protected] | @LSU_Enterprise

Welfare & Diversity: Meetings of support groups remain exempt providing that these are run in a COVID-secure manner and do not have more than 15 individuals in attendance. Nevertheless, all events and meetings should take a ‘digital where possible’ approach. Contact details: [email protected] | @LSU_Welfare

Education (including Advice/Support):

Department Committees, Peer Support, School Presidents and Course Reps will continue to meet digitally.

LSU Advice will also remain accessible for all students, with online consultation and support available.

Contact details: [email protected] | @LSU_Education | [email protected] or [email protected]

Matt Youngs, Union President, has said that the Union Executive “remain committed to providing you with opportunities to get involved… as well as supporting and representing your needs”

He adds “This has not been a straightforward year and there will continue to be bumps in the road” saying that the attitude students have shown has been “exemplary” as well as being “a testament to Loughborough and the wider community”

Mr. Youngs ends by saying that his “(virtual) door always remains open” and if students need, “you have every right to reach out” no matter how “small or bug your regard your enquiry.”

You can read the full statement by Matt Youngs here.


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